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Do I want a raised tray ceiling in master bedroom?

7 years ago

Bought a new build and an option is a raised tray ceiling in master bedroom. It's 13'6" × 13'6" and 8ft ceiling height with an 8ft wide window, so I thought the added height with trim would be lovely to add dimension and detail. But the price tag is $3700 CAD- ouch!. I did some research and i understand the raised tray is not something you can add after-the-fact with 8ft ceilings. The price tag hurts! I really love the look in pictures but I've never seen one in person. Is it worth the cost to have it done? Do you love it or hate it? Suggestions? Attached floor plan and a pic of how we would finish it ourselves in terms of adding decorative trim

Comments (12)

  • 7 years ago

    How long do you plan to be in this house? If it will go on the market within 5 years, I'd save the tray for your forever home. You can actually do a "trompe-l'oeil" effect on the ceiling to make a faux tray ceiling with trim and paint.

    Dining Room · More Info

  • 7 years ago
    If you can afford it, do it!!! It's a beautiful feature you cannot do later, like you said.
    Steph Castonguay thanked nolab
  • 7 years ago
    We have a master bedroom with the same layout, also has a tray ceiling. We really like it, makes the room feel bigger than a flat 8 ft ceiling. We have built 5 homes over the years, and my advice is if you can afford the addition cost you won't be sorry. There are always thing after building that you would change, good luck with your home.
    Steph Castonguay thanked annh1783
  • 7 years ago

    Verify with your builder how much height the tray will add. Your picture of tray is beautiful... so maybe show to your builder and ensure you will be getting the same. Tray ceilings are great in bedrooms and add great visual space. Consider ceiling fan and/some canned lights.

    Steph Castonguay thanked imhofan
  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    I like the feeling of added space, but as a whole, master tray ceilings can feel a little pretentious to me. I personally don't think they are necessary or worth spending a lot of money on, but everyone is different regarding what is important and/or worth it to them or not. If I recall correctly, the upgrade for a master tray ceiling was 3 or 4K for our new build, and I was happy to skip it and spend that money on other upgrades which were more important to me. But we also had a limited budget, and I felt fairly confident I would never miss it. If you think you might regret it later, splurge now.

    Steph Castonguay thanked CLC
  • 7 years ago

    @CLC I totally hear what you're saying about the pretentious factor, I thought the same thing initially! but we are a young family with three kids between ages 4-8 and this would be literally the only room in the house that isn't casual/family-oriented.. I would like my bedroom, small though it may be, to feel like a retreat at the end of a long day and have that luxurious feeling that the rest of my house is sorely lacking. I am only on the fence because of the price... love the look but I don't know yet if I will regret passing on it.

  • 7 years ago

    Absolutely -- treat yourself if the tray gives you that luxurious feeling. My 3 kiddos are between 4-8, too, so I know the struggle is real! ;-) The tray just doesn't quite do enough for me to justify the cost, but I am sure we upgraded other areas where other people might be very "whatever" about. That is the blessing and the curse of building -- you can make these kind of choices, but they are very stressful! I plan to make our master my "retreat" via meaningful art, paint color, crown molding, and splurge on some nice new bedding. That is enough for me to create our oasis from the munchkins, but we are all different.

    Steph Castonguay thanked CLC
  • 7 years ago
    Do it !
    Steph Castonguay thanked sunnydrew
  • 7 years ago

    @Artiesmama that would be great! unfortunately not an option for me, I have to decide between flat 8ft ceiling or raised tray ceiling

  • PRO
    7 years ago

    The tray will help the room appear a bit more expansive.

  • 7 years ago

    I guess if it was between trey or flat 8ft, I reluctantly take trey. I don't know why I don't like mine. I don't have trim, so that might help. We also have never "done" our master since moving in. It will probably be the last room we work on. I haven't even painted or hung drapes! The rest of our house has 9ft (or higher) ceilings so I don't love the 8ft around the perimeter of my bedroom. Even my kids have vaulted ceilings in their bedroom! Also, the trey ceiling feels dated to me but that's probably exacerbated by the fact that we have not updated that room at all and our whole house was stuck in 1990 when we moved in.

    Steph Castonguay thanked Artiesmama