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Citrus collar rot? Help

5 years ago


I have a citrus seedling that I've been growing for the last 2 years or so. A few months ago, the soil seemed to be getting a bit low and it exposed a bit of what I guess is called the collar? I was worried that it shouldn't be exposed so I added a bit of soil to cover it up.

Recently I discovered that I may have added too much soil and it may have caused some of the bark to peel and such. I've since removed the additional soil and will attempt to water it less over the course of the next while to make sure it stays dry.

I'm wondering if there's anything else I should do to help this citrus tree heal? So far, the leaves and everything seem fine and it has been putting out a lot of new leaf growth, actually. I just happened to notice this funky thing happening near the base of the tree.

I've attached some photos of the affected area. I neglected to take and photos of the entire tree; let me know if that would help at all and I can get those. It's hard to get a feel for the depth of the wound through the photos so I took a few from different angles hoping that it would come through.

Thank you.

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