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Neighbor swaps their used trash can for your brand new one, WWYD?

5 years ago
last modified: 5 years ago

So I have been in my new build house for about 3 weeks now. We built in an infill lot, where some land was subdivided and sold. As a result, we have a common driveway, and a location where everyone(9 houses) puts their trash cans out for pickup. We bought a brand new trash can for this house, a nice robust one from HD that cost $80. Unfortunately, we were not able to buy all the numbers we needed to put on there before we put it out for pickup the first time. We did not even remove the labels from the side of the can.

We got home later than everyone else did that day, and were the last ones to retrieve our can. I noticed that the can that was left was an identical make and model to the one we had just purchased, but had aged and had some minor wear and tear, and was not clean on the inside. The labels on the side were curling around the edges, and all scrapped up. It was clearly not our new can.

So, I'm thinking two identical cans, the other guy picked up ours by mistake, since we did not have any numbers on it. We had both left the labels on. So after a week goes by, I expect to see our new can put out, and then reclaim it. Well, our new can shows up, with the labels removed, and duct tape placed on the side of the can with numbers written on it(not our numbers). It appears to me that they recognized they had a new can, and decided to claim it for themselves, leaving us with their old dirty one.

I haven't met or seen these people yet. Their house is maybe 100 yards from mine? I already have a very negative opinion of them. We're not talking trailer park community here, these homes are in the 500K range. I'm the only new house, and these other neighbors have all been here for at least 5+ years.

How would you handle this? I know its a very petty thing, but I feel like I am being taken advantage of by my new neighbor, and its getting me worked up.

Comments (274)

  • 5 years ago

    Still remains an unsolved mystery...

  • 5 years ago

    The last post wa just over three weeks ago. Hardly a Zombie Post or Thread.

  • 5 years ago
    A great, funny read for an insomniac! Laughed so hard that I shook the bed, waking my husband. Thanks, Trashcanman!
  • PRO
    5 years ago

    Just when you thought a thread was dead, and never to be seen again...someone brings it back. Just shoot me now...

  • 5 years ago

    Virgil, it was Halloween yesterday, so for the dead ones to be alive again is normal on that day. Lol

    We shall give you hugs to cheer you up!

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    Sorry Virgil...I just had to revive this.....I thought of this thread immediately when this happened:

    I have a new neighbor who just moved in; they were issued new garbage cans and recycle cans. Nice ones. Much nicer than my old ratty ones that I've had for 10 years or more, when they were issued to me by the collection service. I went out to pick up my large recycle bin from the street after pick-up and my bin was gone. Everyone else (maybe 4 or 5 neighbors) had already picked up theirs, so mine should have been the only one left on the street. But it was gone and the only one left was the nice new one. I figured the new neighbor was gone for the holidays and maybe a house sitter or someone had picked up the wrong one. I could never catch anyone home and didn't have a phone number. So I figured in a day or two whoever had mine would make the switch, or at least put mine back on the street if some other household had accidentally picked up two cans. That happened once, wife got one, husband got another one and it took them a couple of days to discover they had two and put mine back on the street.

    Anyway, with the holidays, I was getting desperate to be able to get the recycling out of my house, so I took the new can and wrote a note to the neighbor, explaining what I'd done. That was almost a week ago and the bins are due to be emptied again on Weds.'

    I finally heard from the new neighbor that yes, mine had been taken accidentally and we'd just keep the wrong ones until pick-up, then grab our correct bin.

    I'm only posting to show that nature seems to always achieve balance, even if it takes over a year...your nice new can disappeared and you got stuck with an old cruddy one. My old cruddy one was replaced with a nice new one. Everything is back in balance now. Lol.

  • 4 years ago

    Why don’t you put your house numbers on the garbage and recycle cans? That would save you a lot of troubles. :-)

    Virgil might pass out when he sees this tomorrow morning. Lol

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    Since they are not OUR cans but the waste company's, we are not allowed to put our addresses on them. We all know whose is whose because of the numbers that are on the cans (serial numbers, I guess). The new neighbor has a black bin with a blue lid. The rest of us have dark green with beige lids, so there shouldn't have been a mix-up, but there was.

    Honestly, the neighbor who took 2 in error one time is totally clueless and it wouldn't matter. Our glass bins sit outside and get pretty dirty from leaves and mud (gravel roads and drives here) so once I spent an afternoon cleaning all my bins and the next pick-up, the clueless neighbor took all my clean ones and left his dirty ones. We got that straightened out fast. And he's a brain surgeon.

    I am truly sorry, Virgil.

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    Wow, funny that this thread would pop up again, I just got out last week. Things escalated and kinda got out of hand, and we both did some things that we shouldn't have, and, well, lets just leave it at that. Going into all the details on here would not help my current situation...

    That would make the ending to this story alot more interesting, but sadly, it was much more boring in real life. The suspect never acknowledged the crime, and I had more pressing issues pop up. I haven't had any more issues since I put my house number on the front of the can in big 3" high letters. I have no idea what happened to their old can.

  • PRO
    4 years ago very wonderful to have this old thread back again and again...

  • PRO
    4 years ago

    Stay tuned for the next episode of "GARBAGE CAN SWINGERS"

  • 4 years ago

    Now there's a reality series I DON'T NEED TO SEE EVER...If one wishes to swing as part of their adult-fun-time-couplestuff, they should keep it inside their home or inside the home(s) of another with whom they choose to swing, and I most certainly do not think it's appropriate to be out there by the curb on trash day doing one's swinging with both humans and random trash cans all willy nilly like. :P

    I don't care if people engage in swinging, as long as they are doing it with other adults and all the proper laws/child welfare issues are observed in the process. I could also do without them swinging in say, their backyard pool when it's daylight/evening hours and my kids/neighbor kids can see them if they happen to look out of their windows like kids would normally do, but if they're going to do it then at least put up a significantly higher fence while those trees/hedges are growing in. Maybe a nice awning over the pool too. I can't keep my kids from looking outside every minute of the day, but I'll take responsibility for dealing with my part (the kids) if the neighbors are willing to do their level best to limit how many times I have to explain to the kids that it's not polite to look/stare, that adults doing adult things is something that adults have the right to do (under the applicable laws that may apply to the situation) but we should go look outside the windows on THE OTHER SIDE of the house now because it's the polite thing to do.

    There was a couple who lived in a house nearby where I grew up and they had a penchant for swimming in their backyard pool...err. uhm...completely nekkid...the city eventually requested that they put a suitable patio cover and/or awning because ALL of the homes nearby were 2 story just like their house so the neighbors could see, neighborhood kids could see, and while they respected the couple's right to enjoy their pool in whatever they choose (or choose not to) wear they also had to deal with people calling about the nekkid people being back out in their pool all nekkid like, someone needs to go and deal with those people and their nekkidness or the police should just go out there every time a call comes in about the nekkid swimmers until they stop that indecent nekkid swimming once and for all! The couple complied with a suitable awning and a higher fence with trees added for good measure, and the freedom for them to swim unclothed was preserved.

    My childhood best friend's dad was the mayor and on the city council for years and years, we got to hear all the funny stories (with some censorship) especially the ones where the police department had to come into a city council meeting to address the issues like: excessive 911 calling about a neighbor swimming naked in their pool; what to do when your kids see a neighbor swimming naked with their spouse in their own pool; if you must call the police department about your naked neighbors swimming what number should you call and how will the police be able to help you when they arrive to take the report; can you park an RV on your driveway and live in it, even if you and your spouse/partner intend to have relational/sexual intercourse in said RV at times and think you should be able to because the neighbors get to swim naked in their backyard pool; what if you simply rent the RV out to a couple who intends to engage in relational/sexual intercourse and allow them to live in the RV on your driveway (there were a number of houses that had large driveways and a gate that would allow RV access/parking so a lot of people wanted to park theirs on their driveway and would still be able to comply with keeping the RV - even a very large one - off the street); what to do about the neighbor who insists on attracting pigeons with food and feeding pigeons to keep them returning daily; does the pigeon-feeding neighbor have the right to turn their 5 bedroom two story house into 3 smaller homes with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms each by converting the garage then adding an extension of the 2nd floor over it and extending the back of the home so it leaves only a foot of space from the backyard fence and the house, is anyone checking the permits on that house and why on earth do they need to make a normal 5 bedroom 4 bathroom 2 story house into some monstrous thing!? I liked the one guy who painted his house an incredibly vibrant shade of hot pink because HIS neighbor chose a 'too loud' shade of yellow for their house...and the two of them had set up complicated and extensive video surveillance aimed at various angles/views of each other's houses, probably still do to this very day...even though one caught the neighbor openly peeing in their hydrangeas because of the video cameras. :P

  • 4 years ago

    Now THAT was a thread drift I bet no one saw coming!

  • 4 years ago

    Lol. Didn’t see that in my crystal ball! :-) Now Virgil must have choked on his afternoon tea.

  • 4 years ago

    We could spend some time debating what Virgil's afternoon beverage of choice is.....


  • 4 years ago

    I just figured that if I was going to go on a tangent, I should make it as interesting and as detailed as possible.

    At least this time I used spacing lines to separate the various sections. Not just a wall of text this one! ;)

  • PRO
    4 years ago

    I sense a limerick on its way.

  • 4 years ago

    “There once was a new trash can in the hood, the neighbor thought it was really good”...

  • PRO
    4 years ago

    So he huffed and he puffed,

    And the little can fell down!

  • 4 years ago

    Glad you are still breathing Virgil! :-)

  • 4 years ago

    Jenn, by any chance were those who showed off invisible birthday suits under the sun in your neighborhood from the 60's? Were they all seniors?

  • 4 years ago

    I don't recall their specific ages being mentioned but I think it was estimated that the people in question were probably in their late 30's to early 40's back in the mid to late 1990s when all this hullabaloo went on over the naked swimmers. :P

    I had a friend in 2000s-2005ish whose parents were swingers and made him leave the house on the weekends when they were having their swinger friends over, he was in his early 20s by then and really it was mostly an inconvenience and embarrassing to him that was the reason he had to explain for why he had to go sleep elsewhere for all the weekends until he found a roommate and an apartment of his own... :P

  • PRO
    4 years ago

    I should probably be posting under a pseudonym.

  • PRO
    4 years ago

    There once was a GC on Houzz,

    that commented with regular prose,

    a tangent was taken

    don't look what their makin',

    its keeping the censors on their toes.

  • 4 years ago

    A hopeful homeowner on Houzz posted

    A plan they didn’t think would get roasted

    Here a few jogs, here another jig

    One thing for sure, the garage was BIG!

    With turrets, angles and gables galore

    They came to ask, “Where can I fit a barn door?”

  • 4 years ago

    As a public service, let me just share the format for a Limerick: Five lines, A-A-B-B-A

    Michael, a neighborhood newcomer

    Bought a shiny new trash can last summer

    What kind of a man

    Steals a neighbor's trash can?

    But Houzz has got the rat's number!

  • 4 years ago

    It seems perfect for a Haiku; unfortunately not my strong suit, but surely someone could venture a try?

  • 4 years ago

    Okay, I got it now:

    There once was a new trash can in the hood,

    The neighbor thought it was really good,

    He absconded with it,

    The owner had a fit,

    Now Virgil has more anxiety than he should.


  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    A Haiku:

    New trash can was nice.

    Neighbor's trash can smelt quite foul.

    Now my can is his.

  • PRO
    4 years ago

    Someone took my can

    I liked my little trash can

    What a bunch of trash

  • 4 years ago

    " As a public service, let me just share the format for a Limerick: Five lines, A-A-B-B-A "

    Did a random format. I'm a rebel.

  • 4 years ago

    Ooh, poetry rebel. Edgy. LOL

  • 3 years ago

    Solid advice a year later............................

  • 3 years ago

    Actually 2 years later. Since then, thread has veered from trash can theft to swinging to poetry

  • 3 years ago

    Just flag the spam

  • 3 years ago

    Oh boy! More trash talk!!

    I always loved this thread.

  • PRO
    3 years ago

    One of my favorites. I did not know the can was full of Spam.

  • 3 years ago

    "Nicola" is the spammer. Just flag it. She's got a history....

  • 3 years ago

    Right because what everyone wants is the neighborhood dumpster out in front of their house.

  • 2 years ago

    My neighbors just did the exact same thing. How low down do you have to be to steal your neighbors new trash can. It was my neighbor 5 foot from my driveway that pretends to be our friends and the trash cans are owned by the city. The city replaced ours and before we could pick it up, the neighbors right next door stole our new can and left their old dirty can for us. They would leave their trash cans out there hours and days after the trash was picked up in the past. Now they're so worried that we'll take our new can back, that they are picking up their recycle can minutes after the recycling truck empties it. These people are so sorry. How sorry do you have to be that you're stealing your neighbors trash cans?

  • PRO
    2 years ago

    Is your neighbor's name Michael Lamb by chance.

  • 2 years ago

    Run out the minute they put the trash out and spray paint your house number on their (your new) trash can and their house number on the old one. Around here, everyone has house numbers on their trash cans. Helps on windy days.

  • 2 years ago

    Mark 😂

    Wow, this thread. I’ve been really peeved lately at my neighbors who allow their dogs to bark for 10 hours non-stop, and it sounds like they have bullhorns … but at least they aren’t trash can stealin’ cockadoodie dirty birds.

  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    My neighbors, trust-funders in a 6 million dollar house, have dogs that bark 12 hours a day AND steal my trash cans. They just gather all the trash and recycling cans ( owned by the city) and put them all in their 4 car garage. Over and Over. Yes the cans have house numbers painted on them. This does not deter. I text the neighbor ” Looking for my trash can? is it in your garage?”. Usualy I get no response or something like ”Not home” but the cans reappear in a day or two. So do I need cameras? GPS chips? What to do?

    Sometimes they fess up ” Sorry found your can in my garage. I guess the help put it there” But usually they do not. Sometimes the can is gone for a week. Recently they denied having the can and 2 days later it showed up with their trash in it.. complete with itemized receipts with their last names printed on receipt. Is this crazy?

  • PRO
    2 years ago

    Two years later and this thread resurfaces. De jevu all over again.

  • 2 years ago

    Just got a new recycling container delivered by the city today. It only took 30 days and I promptly wrote my address on all four sides of the can. So I can be like, yes that's my can see my street number written on it. I wish I could move out of the city. All these neighbors suck. The neighbor on the other side literally threw their old storm door in my front yard. After I drug back over to their yard 3 times, they put it up against their house facing mine. What gives with these rude people. Oh and neighbors behind me hung the wind chime from hell with metal rods 5 foot long. The whole neighborhood has to listen to clang clang clang all day and night. They are imposing their rudeness on everyone else.

  • 2 years ago

    @Lynne Caddy Yes, that is crazy.

    I don't know what gives with people. Some humans are just nutz!

  • 2 years ago

    Apple AirTag. It will be so funny when they deny having it.

  • 2 years ago

    That is just not right! I would be furious over it. It took the city 30 days to bring me a new recycling container after my neighbor next door took ours. My opinion of them has forever changed. It's like bad carma to have to use someone else's old can. I'd leave their old can in the central area like forever. And then go buy another new one and dare them to take it and then at some point someone will have to deal with their trash they left for you. So like every time they go past this area, their old can they left for you is out there. Day and night for 30 days if need be so they can be reminded of their pettiness day after day. Then if someone says something, tell it's not your can I believe it belongs to the house that stole yours. But don't settle on their old used can.

  • 2 years ago

    This dilemma just showed up for me today and I must say, reading back about 30 posts gave me some good 'laugh out louds' - and I loved the poetry! How fun that this one keeps popping up like the beaver in the pond...