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Palms right at the edge of a pond - bad idea?

5 years ago

I recently purchased a property in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. There is a small pond in the yard - which I am still in the process of cleaning up all the leaves and debris inside from years of neglect. There are some kois in the pond.

As you can see there are two palms right at the edge of the pond. I labeled them palm A and B.

I think A and B are the same kind of palm. Not sure what kind it is. Anyone knows? Here are some pictures of the fronds.

The two palms are right at the edge of the pond.

Is this a bad idea to be so close to the pond? The root may break up the concrete around the pond and eventually it will get big with not enough support?

Should I transplant it to somewhere else? If so how big is the root right now? Will I be able to separate A and B or are their roots most likely fused together?

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