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Patio - large contemporary courtyard patio idea in San Francisco with decking and no cover
Koch Architects
Koch Architects
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars17 ReviewsView Profile


Contemporary Patio, San Francisco

Indoor-outdoor courtyard, living room in mid-century-modern home. Living room with expansive views of the San Francisco Bay, with wood ceilings and floor to ceiling sliding doors. Courtyard with round dining table and wicker patio chairs, orange lounge chair and wood side table. Large potted plants on teak deck tiles in the Berkeley hills, California.

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What Houzz contributors are saying
Laura Gaskill added this to 6 Ways to Rethink Your Patio FloorApril 6, 2013

Deck tiles. This innovative material is designed to be snapped together, creating a modular deck practically anywhere....

What Houzzers are commenting on
Marcia Shaya added this to Marcia's ideas2 days ago
