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Wine Glasses

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The debate over which is better, wine or beer, is age old. If you find yourself firmly planted on the side of your fellow winos, chances are you’ll need a full range of wine glasses in your cabinets. While the casual wine enthusiast can get by with just a standard set of red wine glasses plus a few champagne flutes, those who are more serious about vintage, tannins and aromas will want to invest in a more expansive designer wine glasses. Of course, considering there are dozens of wine glass varieties available, that can be easier said than done.

What are the best wine glasses?

The answer to this question depends primarily on what kind of wine you’re drinking, but in general experts recommend clear, crystal glasses with large bowls and thin rims. They should hold 10 to 18 ounces of wine, taper ever so slightly at the top and can be easily balanced when you hold them in your hand. Of course, this isn’t to say that plastic wine glasses won’t do. If you’re outside on the patio, plastic is the perfect durable choice for enjoying your bubbly beverage.

What’s the difference between different types of wine glass?

You may have noticed that there’s pretty much a specific wine glass for each variety of wine. This might be a bit more in depth than you wanted to go, so instead you can simply divide wine glasses up into four distinct styles: red, white, champagne and dessert.
• Red: Red wine glasses generally have wider openings and larger bowls.
• White: A white wine glass will be slightly shorter than one intended for red wines, with a narrower opening and bowl.
• Champagne: Also usable for sparkling wines, champagne glasses — or flutes — are tall with a thin opening and bowl. Sometimes the bowl is tulip-shaped, and its height allows aromas and bubbles to be trapped near the rim so you can enjoy them while you sip.
• Dessert: These wine glasses are smaller and shorter than others, since most dessert wines are typically served in small quantities. Their bowls are usually tulip-shaped with a narrow opening.

How much should I serve in each wine glass?

When serving your wine, remember that more is not always better. A general rule is to never fill your wine glass more than half full. To be more specific, whites, reds and sparkling wines are best served in 6-ounce quantities, while dessert wines are best served in 3-ounce quantities. Leaving this extra space in your glass gives you room to swirl your beverage, which in turn releases aromas so you can enjoy the scent and taste of your wine at the same time.