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Local Carpenters in Salt Lake City

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Salt Lake City / 50 mi
115 of 178 professionals
178 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Local Carpenters in Salt Lake City

Moyer Woodworks
Local Carpenters in Salt Lake City
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsSeptember 26, 2012
“Ron is an excellent wood worker, designer, and a basic problem solver. Ron takes time in discussing what you really want done and will customize his work to satisfy your needs. One example is the kitchen island he made for us. We were planning on just buying one from the Restoration Hardware but as we started to look at them they did not address all our needs. Ron sat down with us and designed an island with drawers that open from both sides for better access. He heightened the island size, just a bit, to allow for the garbage can lid to open all the way. He matched our current kitchen paint. We did not want wheels but wanted to be able to move the island around - Ron's solution was to install hard plastic strips on the bottom that help it glide. If you want quality work and an affordable cost then contact Ron.”
805 Construction
Local Carpenters in Salt Lake City
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsOctober 16, 2021
“Great, service, communication, these guys no now how to get the job done. Definitely recommend them, also have great suggestions and ideas. Thanks again guys!”
Rugged Gentleman Design
Local Carpenters in Salt Lake City
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsDecember 8, 2024
“We hired Paul. He was exceptional. Beautiful design and execution of a moroccan door. Came back to make adjustments until it was prefect. Thanks Paul!”
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