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Tell us: Do you send thank you gifts to clients?

8 years ago

Party Favors · More Info

Do you send thank you gifts to clients over the holidays? If so, what do you send? Has it been received well?

Tell us! (photos encouraged)

Comments (29)

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    Yes we do send gift baskets after the client is happy. We try to personalize the gift basket to the client.

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    Yes, I love finding something special that speaks to the clients project. At Christmas time, I even make them cookies!

  • 8 years ago

    This year I am sending wine from a local winery in my area. Clients are in So. California so I hope they appreciate a little something from the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina.

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    We generally send a thank you card and a gift card for referrals.

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    Of course we do. Our clients become our extended family and we appreciate them very much.

  • 8 years ago


  • PRO
    8 years ago

    Yes I do. I put together gift bags or baskets that contain items that pertain to the clients tastes or interests.

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    I try to find something that will fit into the finished project as a gift. For instance a client and I have been searching high and low for one more piece for her built-in cabinetry. I found a bowl the other day that was perfect for the spot so I brought it along with me for a photo shoot and left it behind. I also send a little something at Christmas as well to remind them of my awesomeness. :)

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    After the project is completed we give the clients a thank you note and gift. Since we are a swimming pool company, our favorite gift is personalized beach/pool towels. Fattowels have some great thick, plush towels in multiple colors (which we coordinate color to match project/house) that can be monogrammed with Company logo or family names. Every time they go swimming and use our towels they think of us!! I love getting thank you gifts - why wouldn't the customers?

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    Yes, I make sure to send thank you notes and cards, leave something special if they allow me to arrange a photo shoot, and then remember clients at Christmas. I've been told, and it is true, that a thank you via short text or email during construction can be a good idea, too.

  • 8 years ago

    I do! If it's a big job I make a photo book of their before and after photos so they have professional shots of the reveal- they love it! If it's a small job I give them a wrapped accessory to add to their room. Don't forget to give back with thanks!


    Powell Brower Interiors

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    Pazzam Designs believes all our clients deserves the best hence we always send them a little something from Tiffanys as everyone loves to receive that little blue box!

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    We like to either send a bottle of local wine or at the moment cook books! I like to call up and organise a time to take some professional photo's of the space, then give them the gifts myself :)

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    We do! We design and renovate homes, so at Christmas time, I make a list of the current projects or recently completed, and pair them with accessories that would suit their new space. I love shopping at Pimlico Gallery, in Toronto, where i can find unique, modern decor objects, that suit the kitchen or part of the house we worked on. The clients welcome the direction on how to finish their new space too.

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    Yes, I bake something, not the same each year, and I give a big Christmas party, for which they are all invited. Even if they can't come and pick up their gift at the party, I make sure it is delivered. I think, and hope, they appreciate the time and effort that is put into the baked gift. No one ever gives them the gift I do. That makes it as special as they are..

  • PRO
    8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    We give our clients Kids Draw Architecture Calendars every year and they are a huge hit for all. Kids Draw Architecture is a free annual sketch program sponsored by the Architectural Foundation of Santa Barbara [non-profit] where the kids draw local historical buildings at two sessions in the springtime. Their artwork is displayed in December at the AFSB Art Gallery. Great program & great gift idea! Available for purchase at AFSB...

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    ABSOLUTELY!!! New customers become "family" and I want them to know that we feel that way by presenting them with a Gift Basket at the conclusion of their first project. Every Sunday morning I make the early rounds (before tennis) delivering Gift Baskets to new customers who had projects completed during the week. I spend only about 10-15 mins performing a final site inspection to assure that everything was done exactly as we designed and that the build quality was up to snuff. I present each new customer with a Gift Basket that my wife assembles which is sort of a "grab bag" of goodies so that every time they reach in to grab a candy, frappuccino, or sip of wine, they'll remember the great experience they had with me. We even include toys and goodies for their cats or dogs! Much of my business comes from my existing customer base and our gift basket is a small way of saying thank you for your current business, and creating an experience they'd like to share with others. It also creates a nice opportunity to remind customers to post reviews of their experience with me which also enhances our new business opportunities as well. You'd be surprised how many times during a Gift Basket delivery that people say to me, "Hey Mark, while you're here, could you measure our home office, laundry room, garage, etc., and design a solution for that while you're here?" If you're not doing something like this...YOU SHOULD.

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    YES! I just gave my client a vintage book on national parks. It is very personal to them as they take their children to one park a year. It will be a part of their newly decorated library.

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    Yes! We always send thank you cards with a small gift and use the opportunity to ask for testimonials

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    Yes! A personalized set of holiday cards with a painting of the client's own garden, gives clients a reason to remember their landscape designer for years to come!

  • 8 years ago

    We love to give special gifts made by local artisans (i.e. honey and tea, lovely pottery mugs with hot chocolate and handmade marshmallows, or pancake mix and MN maple syrup.) We send a handmade card with--a warm thank you and a special message to value the simple things in life--our bees, our trees, and our people. We also make contributions to local charities on behalf of our clients. As we are philanthropic advisors, it is our favorite time of the year

  • 8 years ago

    Yes, we send a personalized, hand-written thank you note. We refer to their specific project, and wish them joy,. Ours is a small, family-owned business. Tiffany's? Wow. What an enviable budget!

  • PRO
  • PRO
    8 years ago

    I send wine... It always works...

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    Yes, at the end of a project we give our clients a gift - it really depends on the client and the type of remodel we have done. For kitchen remodels, we might give a beautiful teak cutting board and cookbook. For bathrooms, we try and do something related to the bathing experience. We have also purchased one client a new "Nest" thermostat and we have made construction photo books of client's projects. Additionally, we send holiday cards expressing our gratitude for their business. -Shannon

  • 8 years ago

    I always send gifts to my clients. Something unique for everyone of them: maybe something gourmet or a fine handcraft and personalized.

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    I always personally deliver holiday gifts whenever possible for the current year's projects and to the pros that I work with. This year I did cutting boards with holiday inspired hot mitts and a card. I have also done customized walnut cutting boards, which i may personalize with the clients initials. Its amazing how most of my clients can really use a new cutting board!! I also love to give vintage gifts to those clients who have collections--something that will fit into their home. And when we do a photo shoot, i like to leave behind flowers or a prop or two that the client takes a liking to...

  • PRO
    5 years ago

    When I do a bathroom, I give nice towels and a bath mat. Love the idea of the before and after photo book!