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Need help identifying type of (black)berry

6 years ago

Greetings, all.

When we purchase our lot, there were some blackberry plants, but we tore them out b/c they were in a place we wanted to put something else. We have only one stem left. We've discovered they're really nice & now we'd like more, but don't know what to look for.

I can describe the plant: Tall, sturdy canes something like 7-8 feet high or so, the strongest canes as thick as broom handles. Occasionally, long side branches. Leaves/stem buds alternate, singly, along the stems, about 2-3" apart. Large, black berries, like the nice large blackberries you can buy in stores. Some of the leaves overwinter, staying green despite temps occasionally reaching 0-10 F in the winter. Do not seem to multiply rapidly. Absolutely no thorns on the stems.

We would appreciate any assistance, as we've not found plants like this in local nurseries.



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