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Comments (11)

  • 3 years ago

    Possibly Allen P McConnell. Check out the HL for more pics. Sorry, the slugs love this one.


    Becke Thatcher thanked djacob Z6a SE WI
  • 3 years ago

    top one.. undulata albomarginata???? ... or the other albo[white] marginata[margined]

    were they recently moved.. ergo.. not fully mature???

    if so .... frosted jade for lower one???

    pic is a bit far away ... but i appreciate the scale .. hopefully if you repost.. they post right way up ...

    welcome to the hosta forum ....


    see if you can find the suggested names here:

    Becke Thatcher thanked ken_adrian Adrian MI cold Z5
  • 3 years ago

    Thank you for your help, and I apologize for the bad picture. I really am not quite sure what I’m doing! I rearranged and re-planted quite a few of my hostas, and then of course lost track of which ones were which.

  • 3 years ago

    I have four of these, so I split them at some point. I hope this picture helps. Thank you so much

  • 3 years ago

    Well this picture is just as bad. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.

  • 3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    I have this which was labeled as Frozen Margarita, but I don’t actually think that it is. It’s very big, but the pictures of frozen margarita that I’ve seen are all green.

  • 3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    Your "froarita" isn't Frozen Margarita, assuming that the photo is current. Two reasons -Frozen Margarita has a white edge and is a fragrant hosta. Fragrant hosta don't bloom until late in the season and yours already has seed pods.

    I'm not very good at identifying hosta that I've never had. However, if that's a current photo, i's probably has fortunei genes. They bloom early in the season.

    As ken said, look up fortunei (and Frozen Margarita) in the The A to Z listings are alphabetically arranged photos of lots of hosta. It will show you multiple photos of a given plant, along with photos of the flowers. At, (there is usually a link to the on the library page) they will tell you the history of the plant, the bloom time, size of leaves and mature plants and descriptions from various growers.

    As an aside, don't go shopping on the hosta library, as many of the hosta shown there are not for sale in the commercial environment.


    edited to add: I was wrong about fortunei bloom time. I looked up fortunei aureomarginata on They are July/August bloomers. So, the information about bloom time of fortunei is incorrect.

    Becke Thatcher thanked bkay2000
  • 3 years ago

    I wonder if the one labeled as Froarita could be Climax.

    Becke Thatcher thanked peren.all Zone 5a Ontario Canada
  • 3 years ago

    That looks like a good guess to me!!! 👍🏽

    Becke Thatcher thanked djacob Z6a SE WI
  • 3 years ago
    last modified: 3 years ago

    I searched through my 8 pound Hosta encyclopedia and thought Climax was a possibility as well. I buy my hostas and apparently place too much trust on the tags. 😕 Thank you all for your help.