Questions to Ask Yourself When Planning Bathroom Storage
Create better bathroom organization by considering these questions at the start
Whether you’re designing a new bathroom or updating an existing space, it’s important to think carefully about where you’re going to keep everything. Before you choose cabinets, drawers or shelves, take time out to consider these key questions to ensure your storage is practical for your needs, stays useful and looks stylish too.
Have I Grouped My Items?
Your essential bathroom kit can now be organized into groups, which will help you assess where to locate everything.
How you group your items will depend on your own needs and lifestyle, but it makes sense to position things near where you’ll use them. Makeup, for instance, should be kept near the best-lit mirror in the room.
It’s a good idea to create an everyday drawer, shelf or basket where you keep all those items you need each day. This will be helpful when you’re traveling too, as you can grab them all at once to throw into your suitcase.
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Your essential bathroom kit can now be organized into groups, which will help you assess where to locate everything.
How you group your items will depend on your own needs and lifestyle, but it makes sense to position things near where you’ll use them. Makeup, for instance, should be kept near the best-lit mirror in the room.
It’s a good idea to create an everyday drawer, shelf or basket where you keep all those items you need each day. This will be helpful when you’re traveling too, as you can grab them all at once to throw into your suitcase.
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Could I Divide and Conquer?
Have you ever tidied your drawers and cupboards, only to find they become a disorganized mess a few weeks later? The answer is to separate them into sections, and use jars, pots and baskets within each cabinet.
This drawer has been fitted with dividers to ensure everything has its own space and items won’t fall onto each other.
If you’re storing items in a cabinet, use shelf inserts, baskets and small decanters to create a mini organization system within the cupboard.
Have you ever tidied your drawers and cupboards, only to find they become a disorganized mess a few weeks later? The answer is to separate them into sections, and use jars, pots and baskets within each cabinet.
This drawer has been fitted with dividers to ensure everything has its own space and items won’t fall onto each other.
If you’re storing items in a cabinet, use shelf inserts, baskets and small decanters to create a mini organization system within the cupboard.
Have I Maximized the Space?
If you think you’ve used every inch of space in your bathroom, it’s worth having another scan. It’s surprising how many areas we overlook when it comes to planning storage. Have a chat with a bathroom designer or cabinet maker to see if they can help you find some clever storage solutions.
If you think you’ve used every inch of space in your bathroom, it’s worth having another scan. It’s surprising how many areas we overlook when it comes to planning storage. Have a chat with a bathroom designer or cabinet maker to see if they can help you find some clever storage solutions.
Could I Store Anything Elsewhere?
If your bathroom is small, you might not have room to store everything. Towels, in particular, can take up a lot of room. Instead, look around your home to see if there’s anywhere you can create overflow storage for those items you don’t use frequently.
This hallway cupboard has been used to house towels and cleaning products, which frees up space in the bathroom. If you can’t spare a whole cupboard, you could use a section of your wardrobe or some under-bed drawers or boxes.
If your bathroom is small, you might not have room to store everything. Towels, in particular, can take up a lot of room. Instead, look around your home to see if there’s anywhere you can create overflow storage for those items you don’t use frequently.
This hallway cupboard has been used to house towels and cleaning products, which frees up space in the bathroom. If you can’t spare a whole cupboard, you could use a section of your wardrobe or some under-bed drawers or boxes.
Is My Storage Easy on the Eyes?
While cabinets and drawers are ideal for neatly stowing items out of sight, some open shelving will add a little character to your bathroom.
The key to stylish success when your storage is on display is to think carefully about the baskets and boxes you choose. Opt for storage items that have a similar look. By creating a cohesive display, your bathroom will look streamlined and attractive, rather than cluttered.
Tell us: Are you planning storage in your bathroom? Share your ideas in the Comments.
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While cabinets and drawers are ideal for neatly stowing items out of sight, some open shelving will add a little character to your bathroom.
The key to stylish success when your storage is on display is to think carefully about the baskets and boxes you choose. Opt for storage items that have a similar look. By creating a cohesive display, your bathroom will look streamlined and attractive, rather than cluttered.
Tell us: Are you planning storage in your bathroom? Share your ideas in the Comments.
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The best way to begin any storage planning is by assessing the items you need to house. Allocate some time to declutter — recycle any empty bottles, use up almost-empty toiletries and donate towels, jars and accessories you don’t need anymore.
Once you’ve done this, you’ll be left only with the essentials, and these will dictate the storage you plan. It’s so much easier to organize a space with only necessary items, and the storage you plan will then be useful for a long time and hopefully ensure you continue to keep just the things you need.
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