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Kitchen - traditional kitchen idea in Burlington with a drop-in sink, marble countertops, white backsplash, stone slab backsplash and white countertops
Smith & Vansant Architects PC
Smith & Vansant Architects PC
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars13 ReviewsView Profile

Repurposing a salvaged sink

Traditional Kitchen, Burlington

This salvaged kitchen sink was found awhile ago by the client who new she wanted to use it if ever she renovated. Integrated beautifully into the Danby marble countertop and backsplash with new fixtures it is a real joy to clean up. This kitchen was formerly a dark paneled, cluttered, divided space with little natural light. By eliminating partitions and creating an open floorplan, as well as adding modern windows with traditional detailing, providing lovingly detailed built-ins for the clients extensive collection of beautiful dishes, and lightening up the color palette we were able to create a rather miraculous transformation. Renovation/Addition. Rob Karosis Photography

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kkatskkats wrote:December 4, 2011
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Bryan Anthony added this to How to Properly Light Your Kitchen CountersJanuary 14, 2019

5. Sink and Range LightingIf you’re washing your dishes by hand, it’s nice to actually see what you’re doing. For...

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Carolyn Stone added this to Lightingyesterday

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