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Lighting Companies & Designers in Boise

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Boise / 50 mi
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118 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Lighting Companies & Designers in Boise

Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery
Lighting Companies & Designers in Boise
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsJune 29, 2012
“We are building our new home which is 8000 sq ft. We bought all our light fixtures, all the plumbing fixtures and kitchen appliances from Ferguson in Memphis TN. They are very professional and thorough in their business dealing. If there was any change of order or price, they dealt with it professionally. The prices were great as well! At first we were under the impression that Ferguson was an expensive store , but it completely changed once they price matched everything. Overall we would give them an A+.”
Davis & Daughters
Lighting Companies & Designers in Boise
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsJanuary 27, 2013
“Davis and Daughters is a hidden treasure of resource materials for the professional interior designer. Their well organized and vast fabric and trim sample library makes it almost unnecessary to travel to the City. The friendly and staff is always ready with pricing and product information. The showroom is clean, well organized and consistently has new samples. I continue to use Davis and Daughters as a supplier for fabric, broadloom, area rugs and furnishings.”
Designs by Vitali
Lighting Companies & Designers in Boise
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsDecember 5, 2016
“We are happy to have our project completed but sad to see Vitali and his team move on. We had a general contractor back out a day before our basement remodel was to begin. Fortunately, Vitali was assigned to our project and in just 2 business days had a team on the ground armed with projects specs & requirements. Every detail of our remodel looks beautiful and perfect! When we hit unexpected challenges they always consulted us professionally and were patient enough to educate us whenever we had to make difficult decisions. I imagine it’s tough to take on a project you weren't able to investigate and estimate initially. They accommodated several change orders throughout the project which increased scope and extended the project completion date. Bottom line – Some people encounter unreasonable general contractors and experienced so many hardships throughout a project that they dread the thought of another project. I would recommend Vitali but I may just keep him to myself. The great experience he offered us leaves us inspired to do more to our home.”
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