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Lighting Companies & Designers in Raleigh

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Raleigh / 50 mi
115 of 52 professionals
52 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Lighting Companies & Designers in Raleigh

Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery
Lighting Companies & Designers in Raleigh
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsJune 29, 2012
“We are building our new home which is 8000 sq ft. We bought all our light fixtures, all the plumbing fixtures and kitchen appliances from Ferguson in Memphis TN. They are very professional and thorough in their business dealing. If there was any change of order or price, they dealt with it professionally. The prices were great as well! At first we were under the impression that Ferguson was an expensive store , but it completely changed once they price matched everything. Overall we would give them an A+.”
Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Raleigh
Lighting Companies & Designers in Raleigh
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsMarch 30, 2018
“David and his team were professional, attentive, prompt, and the house looks great! He was very clear that if I had any concerns about the new lights or if any of them needed adjusting he would take care of it. I feel great about that and maintenance moving forward. Everything looks awesome!”
Southern Lights of Raleigh, Inc.
Lighting Companies & Designers in Raleigh
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsFebruary 23, 2013
“Great design ability and quality products. John and his staff are professional, courteous and dependable. I would highly reccomend using them if you want to add a new look to your home.”
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