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Trash can placement in bathroom with toilet closet

10 years ago

Anyone seen or have a good idea for a spot for the trash can when the toilet is in its own closet? We have this design currently, and are thinking of building a new place, and would likely have the toilet in its own closet too. In other places I lived, I always shimmied the trash an between the toilet and cabinets, but that wouldn't be convenient if the toilet was behind a door. Now we just have it sitting there in the open - or rather, it's propped up on the jacuzzi tub next to the shower since I don't want my little kids going through it.

I want it more or less to be "open top" meaning, I don't think id like to have to open a cabinet to throw away trash (like in the kitchen) because hubby is really just too lazy to do this all the time (seriously, that's why we don't use the step open lid type). I'm thinking maybe something like having a vanity sitting area, and then tucking the trash can under there along with a stool, though a vanity is really a bit overkill for me (I doubt I'd really get much use out of it). Other thought is just having a cut out in the cabinets, finished with the cabinet wall sides, but I don't know if this would look weird (maybe do that and plan to put a door on it when we sell?)

Any suggestions?

Comments (5)

  • 10 years ago

    Are you talking about having a cabinet cubby in the vanity that will be in the toilet room? I think that sounds sensible. Who is going to see it unless they are using the toilet. The convenience of this sounds great to me. I have a can by Simple Human that is a step on type and I love it. But if you can't get people to step on it to throw things away I guess I'd not go that route. I would not put a whole vanity in place that I wouldn't use just to have a location for a trash container. I'd send my DH to trash throwing etiquette camp first :)

    BTW, when my youngest was very little, maybe 3 or 4 years old (he is now ready to graduate from college with a mechanical engineering degree) he went through the trash and sorted out all the tampon tubes :O He wanted to build something with them.

  • 10 years ago

    enduring - no, no vanity in the toilet room. We'd have a separate trash can that goes in there to fit between the toilet and the wall. My thought was in the cabinets under the sink, that maybe there'd be a gap along the line up of drawers and doors where the trash can could go. Kind of like how having a vanity sitting area is a "gap" though instead of having the gap expose the painted wall behind it, actually just finish it out with cabinetry material (I dont know if the trash can would be placed directly on the floor, or whether it would make sense to build up a floor at over the kick board level [so, really, just like having a cabinet with a door, but minus the door]). But again, I've never seen any think like this, so dont know if it would look weird (probably, since its not an expected design).

    Another thought is that if the cabinets/counter/sink part doesnt go from wall to wall, then if there was a gap, the trash can could be placed there. I dont think I really like that idea, though. I like the counter going right up to the wall, so there's no chance of anything getting pushed off the cliff. Ours currently is like that on one half (one side butts up against the wall, the other side is open because it's next to the bathtub), so I guess it could be something to get used to. We also dont have a medicine cabinet (which I hate), so there's a lot of stuff just sitting on the counter. That problem might go away with a medicine cabinet.

    Dont think I can change hubby's ways. You cant teach an old dog new tricks!

    My youngest is 2.5, so we have a ways to go before I think he'll stop being interested in what new thing has gone into the trash can. Besides, I use that trash can to throw away some of their junk as I come across it that they would otherwise protest (and if I were to think about throwing it away later, I know I would forget).

  • 10 years ago

    in our current master bath i have a trash can in the toilet room and one in the cabinet under my hub's sink... i thought about only having a trashcan in the toilet room, but i was afraid he would find the couple of steps too far to throw away his nightly floss- under the sink is very convenient!!! (and there's no other good spot for it!)

  • 10 years ago

    lljc00, I think an open nook for the trash can could be very nicely designed. If you want a wall to wall countertop go for it and put in a doorless nook like you described.

    Not quite what you want but here is something to consider:

    [Traditional Bathroom[( by Cambridge Architects & Designers Charles R Myer & Partners, Ltd

    [Transitional Bathroom[( by Victoria Architects & Designers The Sky is the Limit Design

    Here is my little open unit. I have it with shelves that can be removed for a tall laundry basket if needed. I don't use it that way though, I keep the shelves for hand towels, and the bottom I have a felt woven basket that I use for the laundry towels. This way I don't scratch the surface.

  • 10 years ago

    busybee - dealing with used floss is the EXACT same issue we have!

    enduring - thanks for those pictures. Yes, I think that might be along the lines of what I'm thinking. Modern hotels also kind of have this dilemma, so maybe I need to visit more "W"'s. I recall one had the open space underneath, which is interesting, but not sure really practical. Hotels dont have to deal with clutter the way long term residents do! I think the second one with the towels is interesting.