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Interior door guidelines

8 years ago
Are there guidelines for picking interior doors? Should they all be the same? What about a pantry, laundry, and double French doors, all on the same wall? Thank you.

Comments (13)

  • 8 years ago
    Thank you. What about style, the look of them? Should all of them match, ie, Laundry, pantry, bedroom doors, bathroom?
  • PRO
    8 years ago

    I would make the style the same. The article posted above gave some good thoughts on this.

    The style would be based on the architectural style of your home. Modern, Traditional, Rustic, Exotic, ... It also depends on how much money you are willing to spend. There are some really impressive doors, but if the budget does not allow it you will be picking something off the shelf from one of the big box stores. They have different styles to pick from but it is much more limited.

    Is this a custom house or a standard floor plan from a builder?

  • 8 years ago
    This is a custom house. These are the doors that I picked for the main interior (first photo), but I'm not sure if I use them through out the whole house, photo of plan with doors below. The closet doors will be the matching bifold door. As for laundry and pantry, I don't know what to do. We are doing interior French doors for the study. And will have exterior French doors across the living area too. Should those be the same?, ie match, interior French door has a grid pattern and we were thinking exterior would be clear glass as the rest of the windows of the house are clear glass. Thoughts? I'm making this harder than it probably should be.
  • PRO
    8 years ago

    Nature's Angle is right about sizes and style. Make all single doors the same style regardless of what room they're in for simplicity and continuity. Bifold doors and French doors will be different. Your 4-panel door is fine, but personally I prefer a 6-panel, two small panels above 4 larger equally sized vertical panels.

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    Based on the photos you liked on Houzz these will fit in beautifully. Cabinets had a very similar look and it seems you like a clean craftsman style.

    I would keep with the same motif for all interior doors. The door you chose is a 4 panel with large lower panels and small upper panels. The panel proportions are about 1/3 upper and 2/3 lower.

    I quickly looked for a french door with these same proportions and could not find on Simpson. So you could mix it up a little and go with 3 equal panels for the french doors.

    I re-read your last post and sounds like you have already chose your french doors with a grid pattern. This may match the exterior of your house. If this is the case I am leaning towards making the Study doors different than the exterior french doors. Could be something like shown below. Exterior and Interior doors should be the same style but I don't believe they have to be exactly the same.

    I am concerned about the whole house fan being in the laundry and the door for this area. Whole house fans pull a lot of air and this door will slam shut. I am not sure that adding lovers to the door will give enough free area to supply the fan. Maybe it is better suited in the hallway behind the range?

    These are all tough decisions. Looks like you are doing a good job. I will be writing posts on design decisions like these and posting. Follow me on Houzz or check out my website if you are interested.

  • PRO
    8 years ago

    Door did not post. See below.

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  • 8 years ago

    Really like your chosen door. Usually you'd want to use it everywhere, although sometimes people use a simpler/less expensive door on places nobody will see, like closet doors or an en suite bathroom door. (Of course, sometimes people use fancy doors only in those places, so there's that.) I think you're safe in having French doors look different, since they'll already be glass, etc., but it's nice if they can coordinate to some degree, as with Nature's suggestion.

  • 8 years ago
    How about these? Interior doors and closest bifold doors with the three panel (will be in white) interior French doors for study.
  • PRO
    8 years ago

    I like it. I am second guessing the interior french door I posted. I wish Simpson had a one more similar to the other interior doors. Although, it does not have to match. I took similar white doors off the internet and put them next to each other. What do you think?

    One thing that does concern me is the width of the door's cross rail since they are different door styles. You might ask Simpson if they can revise a Shaker door to have frosted glass where the panels are. Many companies are making custom building products all you have to do is ask.

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  • 8 years ago
    Love it! Thank you. Down just trying to find the French door to purchase.
  • 8 years ago

    Just a thought you might consider after having a peek at your plan.

    Bedroom #2 door. Could you somehow re-arrange it so that you go into the bedroom from the "closet" side as opposed to "straight" on. Closet doors are always kept closed, bedroom door is often left open. You may have to re-arrange a bit with the closet, but I think it would work better with the entrance to the left and the closet door straight on from dining room.

    On our latest home, originally the entrance to bedroom from dining area was with a "jog" and we had to change it to "face on" because of what we did in bedroom.

    Bedroom door is always open and I wish it had the entrance to the left side so we didn't see right into the room. Maybe it's 2 late to change plans.