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Rose name changes - Miranda Lambert now Legend of Rossi

2 months ago
last modified: 2 months ago

I noticed that the hybrid tea named Miranda Lambert is now named Legend of Rossi - both names are trademarked. I also noticed that this rose has now been introduced twice in the United States. Can anyone explain how this exhibition name change might have played out? It seems that this rose has been sold a couple of times, or maybe the celebrity name endorsement expired or was cancelled?

Comments (12)

  • 2 months ago

    Bump - does anyone know? I edited the title to be more descriptive. I'm so curious how this kind of thing happens!

  • 2 months ago

    I don't know anything about it but I do think that if they're going to honor someone by naming a rose after them they should stick with it. It seems insulting to change the name.

    Of course, she might not care but I think it's not a good practice.

    ElfRosaPNW8b thanked erasmus_gw
  • 2 months ago

    Several roses have been renamed, who knows why. Diana Princrss of Wales is now Elegant Lady, I think that Caesar Chagez is Beloved or something like that . Unless they turn out to be really horrible people they should leave it alone. I know that a lot of the Jackson and Perkins mames roses donated portions of the sales . The rose named Caesar Chaves didnt sell well under that name .

    ElfRosaPNW8b thanked Kristine LeGault 8a pnw
  • 2 months ago
    last modified: 2 months ago

    This is interesting, I would guess somehow they lost the license to use her name. Many times Miranda Lambert was the only HT that Home Depot in Texas carried. It was about the time she called herself a ’homewrecker’. I thought it was very ironic that the home improvement giant could only provide us with ’Homewrecker’ and ’Knock Out’!

    The stopped calling the rose Diana, Princess of Wales after she lost the official title. The rumor was that Prince Charles requested the change. If Prince Charles called me, I’d be sure it was a prankster and hang up!

    ElfRosaPNW8b thanked BenT (NorCal 9B Sunset 14)
  • 2 months ago

    Thanks for the thoughts on this, everyone! There are a few roses that seem to have had name changes over the years, like the obvious David Austin's Mortimer Sackler name change. This one just seems especially odd since this rose has been everywhere in the past couple of years, and suddenly poof! a new name. Does this mean it's also disappeared from Home Depot?

    I like your theories and rumors on this BenT, ha ha ha!

  • 2 months ago

    Ben, you are absolutely right about the Diana rose. As soon as she was out, so was her named rose Its a cut throat world out there

    ElfRosaPNW8b thanked Kristine LeGault 8a pnw
  • 2 months ago

    Elfrosa .. correct me if I’m wrong but her rose came with a donation to her mutt rescue ( it had a name like that ) so perhaps the rose company fulfilled their donation promise and had to take her name off when they were done with that ?

    I do think names can be polarizing to any rose . You’ll never make everyone happy and surely someone will not want a rose based on its namesake .

    ElfRosaPNW8b thanked Lilyfinch z9a Murrieta Ca
  • 2 months ago

    @Lilyfinch z9a Murrieta Ca I did not know that, and maybe that has something to do with the name change - thanks! I googled it and you are absolutely correct. Maybe once the donations stopped she didn't want her name attached anymore.

  • 2 months ago

    Anyone know what the ’Legend of Rossi’ refers to? Google is showing me a gun by that name and an italian football player. Would a tough sports guy want a hot pink rose named after him?

    ElfRosaPNW8b thanked Erika
  • 2 months ago

    @Erika - ha ha! I was wondering the same, but have no idea.

  • 2 months ago

    They probably can sell naming rights over and they do on Stadiums? Just a guess.

    ElfRosaPNW8b thanked opineonline