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Pappelina MAX Plastic Runner, Mud
Pappelina MAX Plastic Runner, Mud
Pappelina MAX Plastic Runner, Mud
Pappelina MAX Plastic Runner, Mud
Pappelina MAX Plastic Runner, Mud
Pappelina MAX Plastic Runner, Mud
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This rug from Pappelina, Sweden, uses PVC-plastic and polyester-warp to give it ultimate durability and clean-ability. Great for decks, bathrooms, kitchens and kid's rooms. Turn the rug over and the colors will be reversed!
Lina Rickardsson: I can still recall the feeling I had when I first found a stock of plastic ribbons from the 60's at a small weavery here in Dalarna. Nowadays, twice as thick and with bold-colored patterns, the Pappelina rug has take the world by storm. And that's how we are where we are today. Pappelina is growing, yet at our core remains small-scale local Dalarna craftsmanship. It is only our market that has grown to be global
NOTICE- Some colors is a special order item and can take 3-5 weeks for delivery.

Pappelina MAX Plastic Runner, Mud
By Pappelina

Currently Not Available

    • Product Description
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    This rug from Pappelina, Sweden, uses PVC-plastic and polyester-warp to give it ultimate durability and clean-ability. Great for decks, bathrooms, kitchens and kid's rooms. Turn the rug over and the colors will be reversed!
    Lina Rickardsson: I can still recall the feeling I had when I first found a stock of plastic ribbons from the 60's at a small weavery here in Dalarna. Nowadays, twice as thick and with bold-colored patterns, the Pappelina rug has take the world by storm. And that's how we are where we are today. Pappelina is growing, yet at our core remains small-scale local Dalarna craftsmanship. It is only our market that has grown to be global
    NOTICE- Some colors is a special order item and can take 3-5 weeks for delivery.

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