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Ultima Thule Pitcher - Iittala
Ultima Thule Pitcher - Iittala
Ultima Thule Pitcher - Iittala
Ultima Thule Pitcher - Iittala
Ultima Thule Pitcher - Iittala
Ultima Thule Pitcher - Iittala
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Inspired by the melting ice in Lapland, Wirkkala originally created the surface in the 1960s after carving into a graphic mold. An exclusive design reflecting the thousands of hours spent perfecting the glass-blowing technique required to produce the effect. The patterns gradually change as the glass burns the surface of the wooden molds.
Each piece of Wirkkala's Ultima Thule barware collection features a sophisticated, intriguing pattern that evolved organically during the production as the glass burned the surface of the wooden molds. Though the Ultima Thule collection contributed to Iittala's international breakthrough in the 1960's, it still looks as modern today as it did then.

Ultima Thule Pitcher - Iittala

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    • Product Description
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    Inspired by the melting ice in Lapland, Wirkkala originally created the surface in the 1960s after carving into a graphic mold. An exclusive design reflecting the thousands of hours spent perfecting the glass-blowing technique required to produce the effect. The patterns gradually change as the glass burns the surface of the wooden molds.
    Each piece of Wirkkala's Ultima Thule barware collection features a sophisticated, intriguing pattern that evolved organically during the production as the glass burned the surface of the wooden molds. Though the Ultima Thule collection contributed to Iittala's international breakthrough in the 1960's, it still looks as modern today as it did then.

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