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New Norm Dinnerware, Plate / Bowl Lid, Nude, 5in
New Norm Dinnerware, Plate / Bowl Lid, Nude, 5in
New Norm Dinnerware, Plate / Bowl Lid, Nude, 5in
New Norm Dinnerware, Plate / Bowl Lid, Nude, 5in
New Norm Dinnerware, Plate / Bowl Lid, Nude, 5in
New Norm Dinnerware, Plate / Bowl Lid, Nude, 5in
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In 2010 Menu and Norm Architects joined forces with restaurant Höst in Copenhagen to create something magical. A dinnerware line expressing everything we categorize as “Nordic”. Materials, dishes, glasses, moods and colors. Everything just fits together to create a complex and inspiring feeling of something urban, yet rough and rural. Something rustic, yet simplistic.
Norm Architects initially designed this special series of dinnerware as a profound admiration of one of Denmark’s most prominent painters, Vilhelm Hammershoi, and the unique feel of the crisp and pristine Nordic winds, which served as the main inspiration for the color scheme.
Restaurant Höst has since gone on to win the 2014 Best Restaurant award from Travel & Leisure and the 2012/13 Best Restaurant award from Restaurant & Bar Design Awards for their combination of New Norm Dinnerware with their rustically themed restaurant. At restaurant Höst, new colors and items for the dinnerware line are constantly being experimented with to find the perfect combinations of design, color and feel.
New Norm Dinnerware is isostatically pressed to produce restaurant level quality and reliability. The flexible colors and materials allow you to go classic white and crisp, rough and rustic, or colorful and casual on a whim.
These plates double as matching lids for the S, M and L sizes of the New Norm Dinnerware bowls.

New Norm Dinnerware, Plate / Bowl Lid, Nude, 5in

    In 2010 Menu and Norm Architects joined forces with restaurant Höst in Copenhagen to create something magical. A dinnerware line expressing everything we categorize as “Nordic”. Materials, dishes, glasses, moods and colors. Everything just fits together to create a complex and inspiring feeling of something urban, yet rough and rural. Something rustic, yet simplistic.
    Norm Architects initially designed this special series of dinnerware as a profound admiration of one of Denmark’s most prominent painters, Vilhelm Hammershoi, and the unique feel of the crisp and pristine Nordic winds, which served as the main inspiration for the color scheme.
    Restaurant Höst has since gone on to win the 2014 Best Restaurant award from Travel & Leisure and the 2012/13 Best Restaurant award from Restaurant & Bar Design Awards for their combination of New Norm Dinnerware with their rustically themed restaurant. At restaurant Höst, new colors and items for the dinnerware line are constantly being experimented with to find the perfect combinations of design, color and feel.
    New Norm Dinnerware is isostatically pressed to produce restaurant level quality and reliability. The flexible colors and materials allow you to go classic white and crisp, rough and rustic, or colorful and casual on a whim.
    These plates double as matching lids for the S, M and L sizes of the New Norm Dinnerware bowls.

    Product ID
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    W 5.31" / D 5.31" / H 0.28"
    Norm Architects

    • Product Description
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    In 2010 Menu and Norm Architects joined forces with restaurant Höst in Copenhagen to create something magical. A dinnerware line expressing everything we categorize as “Nordic”. Materials, dishes, glasses, moods and colors. Everything just fits together to create a complex and inspiring feeling of something urban, yet rough and rural. Something rustic, yet simplistic.
    Norm Architects initially designed this special series of dinnerware as a profound admiration of one of Denmark’s most prominent painters, Vilhelm Hammershoi, and the unique feel of the crisp and pristine Nordic winds, which served as the main inspiration for the color scheme.
    Restaurant Höst has since gone on to win the 2014 Best Restaurant award from Travel & Leisure and the 2012/13 Best Restaurant award from Restaurant & Bar Design Awards for their combination of New Norm Dinnerware with their rustically themed restaurant. At restaurant Höst, new colors and items for the dinnerware line are constantly being experimented with to find the perfect combinations of design, color and feel.
    New Norm Dinnerware is isostatically pressed to produce restaurant level quality and reliability. The flexible colors and materials allow you to go classic white and crisp, rough and rustic, or colorful and casual on a whim.
    These plates double as matching lids for the S, M and L sizes of the New Norm Dinnerware bowls.

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