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Kitchen Remodel - Lewis
Kitchen Remodel - Lewis
Kitchen Remodel - Lewis
Kitchen Remodel - Lewis
Kitchen Remodel - Lewis
Kitchen Remodel - Lewis
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This client wanted to open up the kitchen, give it a more contemporary look, and lighten the room. Their budget and time constraints didn’t allow for a complete kitchen remodel, but we were still able to accomplish their goals.
We kept the existing cabinets, painting them to make the kitchen lighter. We also added glass cabinet doors on each side of the countertop to make them more contemporary and open up the space.
We kept some of the existing appliances, replacing others where the budget allowed. We did the same with the plumbing fixtures and installed a water filter system for the sink area.
We took out the existing pantry and built a new one made of the same style door as the existing cabinets. This gave the impression of the pantry being built with the rest of the cabinets.
We tiled the floor with a 20x20 porcelain tile and installed the same tile in the rooms adjacent to the kitchen to carry the look through the house. The colorful glass mosaic gives the room a nice punch and the artistic light fixtures pull the look together.

Kitchen Remodel - Lewis

    This client wanted to open up the kitchen, give it a more contemporary look, and lighten the room. Their budget and time constraints didn’t allow for a complete kitchen remodel, but we were still able to accomplish their goals.
    We kept the existing cabinets, painting them to make the kitchen lighter. We also added glass cabinet doors on each side of the countertop to make them more contemporary and open up the space.
    We kept some of the existing appliances, replacing others where the budget allowed. We did the same with the plumbing fixtures and installed a water filter system for the sink area.
    We took out the existing pantry and built a new one made of the same style door as the existing cabinets. This gave the impression of the pantry being built with the rest of the cabinets.
    We tiled the floor with a 20x20 porcelain tile and installed the same tile in the rooms adjacent to the kitchen to carry the look through the house. The colorful glass mosaic gives the room a nice punch and the artistic light fixtures pull the look together.

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    • Product Description
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    This client wanted to open up the kitchen, give it a more contemporary look, and lighten the room. Their budget and time constraints didn’t allow for a complete kitchen remodel, but we were still able to accomplish their goals.
    We kept the existing cabinets, painting them to make the kitchen lighter. We also added glass cabinet doors on each side of the countertop to make them more contemporary and open up the space.
    We kept some of the existing appliances, replacing others where the budget allowed. We did the same with the plumbing fixtures and installed a water filter system for the sink area.
    We took out the existing pantry and built a new one made of the same style door as the existing cabinets. This gave the impression of the pantry being built with the rest of the cabinets.
    We tiled the floor with a 20x20 porcelain tile and installed the same tile in the rooms adjacent to the kitchen to carry the look through the house. The colorful glass mosaic gives the room a nice punch and the artistic light fixtures pull the look together.

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