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Kassatex Tribeka Shower Curtain - Stone
Kassatex Tribeka Shower Curtain - Stone
Kassatex Tribeka Shower Curtain - Stone
Kassatex Tribeka Shower Curtain - Stone
Kassatex Tribeka Shower Curtain - Stone
Kassatex Tribeka Shower Curtain - Stone
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Update the look of your master bath with the Kassatex Tribeka Shower Curtain - Stone. This white fabric shower curtain is made of machine-washable cotton and features a subtly colored embroidered pattern at the bottom.About KassatexKassatex uses its truly global nature - it has operations in the US, Portugal, Turkey, China, India, South America, and more - to provide a high-quality product using only the best materials. In the US since 1999, Kassatex brings a wide range of bed and bath fabrics that are reliably as comfortable as they are surprisingly affordable.

Kassatex Tribeka Shower Curtain - Stone

    Update the look of your master bath with the Kassatex Tribeka Shower Curtain - Stone. This white fabric shower curtain is made of machine-washable cotton and features a subtly colored embroidered pattern at the bottom.About KassatexKassatex uses its truly global nature - it has operations in the US, Portugal, Turkey, China, India, South America, and more - to provide a high-quality product using only the best materials. In the US since 1999, Kassatex brings a wide range of bed and bath fabrics that are reliably as comfortable as they are surprisingly affordable.

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    Update the look of your master bath with the Kassatex Tribeka Shower Curtain - Stone. This white fabric shower curtain is made of machine-washable cotton and features a subtly colored embroidered pattern at the bottom.About KassatexKassatex uses its truly global nature - it has operations in the US, Portugal, Turkey, China, India, South America, and more - to provide a high-quality product using only the best materials. In the US since 1999, Kassatex brings a wide range of bed and bath fabrics that are reliably as comfortable as they are surprisingly affordable.

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