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Photo of a tropical landscaping in Miami.

Rock Garden

Tropical Landscape, Miami

White African Irises (grassy looking plants), Crepe Myrtle trees, Porchulaca, and Bromeliads. There is another pic of the Porchulaca open in my file. They are very showy and only open in the sun. Close when cloudy and at night.

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Questions About This Photo (3)

slyhoffslyhoff wrote:May 9, 2013
What Houzz contributors are saying
Amy Renea added this to Brighten Any Garden With White Crape MyrtleSeptember 1, 2012

It’s also a good understory plant, so it can be placed under larger trees and still shine. The beauty of this plant is...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Tami added this to My ProjectSeptember 23, 2023

Like verm. Not those rocks