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Senville SENA-12HFAir Conditioner & Heat Pump
Senville SENA-12HFAir Conditioner & Heat Pump
Senville SENA-12HFAir Conditioner & Heat Pump
Senville SENA-12HFAir Conditioner & Heat Pump
Senville SENA-12HFAir Conditioner & Heat Pump
Senville SENA-12HFAir Conditioner & Heat Pump
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Senville mini splits are completely fortified with an innovative Toshiba Inverter compressor. Implementing the newest technology offered, your system guarantees marginal use of electrical resources while sustaining an amiable yet affordable housing temperature. As a testament to their minimal energy usage, Senville units have been certified by Energy Star which grade energy efficiency in home heating and cooling appliances. Each Senville product is manufactured to the maximum international standards and backed by more than four decades of global engineering brilliance. Saving Money on Energy All Year long Senville air conditioners are some of the most efficient available on the market. The inverter technology installed in all Senville products help them reach S.E.E.R.(Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) as high as 23! Senville air conditioners have earned certifications from international standards such as ENERGY STAR. Senville ductless mini splits meet the requirements for tax credits offered in certain states in the USA and provincial areas of Canada, giving you extra money back during tax season for an already affordable Senville unit. Multi-Purpose Compressor The multi-faceted Senville ductless air conditioners are precision manufactured with Toshiba compressors which can invariably be used as heat pumps during the winter months. The outdoor units are equipped with a defrost cycle, allowing these mini split Senville units to operate with outdoor temperatures that drop as low as 5F / -15 C. You'll be able to operate this unit year round and watch the heating and cooling savings rack up through its energy efficient operation.

Senville SENA-12HFAir Conditioner & Heat Pump

    Senville mini splits are completely fortified with an innovative Toshiba Inverter compressor. Implementing the newest technology offered, your system guarantees marginal use of electrical resources while sustaining an amiable yet affordable housing temperature. As a testament to their minimal energy usage, Senville units have been certified by Energy Star which grade energy efficiency in home heating and cooling appliances. Each Senville product is manufactured to the maximum international standards and backed by more than four decades of global engineering brilliance. Saving Money on Energy All Year long Senville air conditioners are some of the most efficient available on the market. The inverter technology installed in all Senville products help them reach S.E.E.R.(Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) as high as 23! Senville air conditioners have earned certifications from international standards such as ENERGY STAR. Senville ductless mini splits meet the requirements for tax credits offered in certain states in the USA and provincial areas of Canada, giving you extra money back during tax season for an already affordable Senville unit. Multi-Purpose Compressor The multi-faceted Senville ductless air conditioners are precision manufactured with Toshiba compressors which can invariably be used as heat pumps during the winter months. The outdoor units are equipped with a defrost cycle, allowing these mini split Senville units to operate with outdoor temperatures that drop as low as 5F / -15 C. You'll be able to operate this unit year round and watch the heating and cooling savings rack up through its energy efficient operation.

    Product ID
    Sold By
    W 32.87" / D 7.8" / H 11.02"
    Home Improvement

    • Product Description
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    Senville mini splits are completely fortified with an innovative Toshiba Inverter compressor. Implementing the newest technology offered, your system guarantees marginal use of electrical resources while sustaining an amiable yet affordable housing temperature. As a testament to their minimal energy usage, Senville units have been certified by Energy Star which grade energy efficiency in home heating and cooling appliances. Each Senville product is manufactured to the maximum international standards and backed by more than four decades of global engineering brilliance. Saving Money on Energy All Year long Senville air conditioners are some of the most efficient available on the market. The inverter technology installed in all Senville products help them reach S.E.E.R.(Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) as high as 23! Senville air conditioners have earned certifications from international standards such as ENERGY STAR. Senville ductless mini splits meet the requirements for tax credits offered in certain states in the USA and provincial areas of Canada, giving you extra money back during tax season for an already affordable Senville unit. Multi-Purpose Compressor The multi-faceted Senville ductless air conditioners are precision manufactured with Toshiba compressors which can invariably be used as heat pumps during the winter months. The outdoor units are equipped with a defrost cycle, allowing these mini split Senville units to operate with outdoor temperatures that drop as low as 5F / -15 C. You'll be able to operate this unit year round and watch the heating and cooling savings rack up through its energy efficient operation.

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