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Harrington Reclaimed Look 36-in. Wall Clock
Harrington Reclaimed Look 36-in. Wall Clock
Harrington Reclaimed Look 36-in. Wall Clock
Harrington Reclaimed Look 36-in. Wall Clock
Harrington Reclaimed Look 36-in. Wall Clock
Harrington Reclaimed Look 36-in. Wall Clock
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Looking like it's cut from the hardwood floor of an old farmhouse the Harrington Reclaimed Look 36-in. Wall Clock has an antiqued ivory finish with chestnut undertones to give it a weathered appearance. Gentle distressing around the outside edge adds to the antique look and makes this clock a perfect addition to any rustic or classic decor.About Uttermost:The mission of the Uttermost Company is simple: to make great home accessories at reasonable prices. This has been their objective since founding their family-owned business over 30 years ago. Uttermost manufactures mirrors art metal wall art lamps accessories clocks and lighting fixtures in its Rocky Mount Virginia factories. They provide quality furnishings throughout the world from their state-of-the-art distribution center located on the West Coast of the United States.

Harrington Reclaimed Look 36-in. Wall Clock

    Looking like it's cut from the hardwood floor of an old farmhouse the Harrington Reclaimed Look 36-in. Wall Clock has an antiqued ivory finish with chestnut undertones to give it a weathered appearance. Gentle distressing around the outside edge adds to the antique look and makes this clock a perfect addition to any rustic or classic decor.About Uttermost:The mission of the Uttermost Company is simple: to make great home accessories at reasonable prices. This has been their objective since founding their family-owned business over 30 years ago. Uttermost manufactures mirrors art metal wall art lamps accessories clocks and lighting fixtures in its Rocky Mount Virginia factories. They provide quality furnishings throughout the world from their state-of-the-art distribution center located on the West Coast of the United States.

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    • Product Description
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    Looking like it's cut from the hardwood floor of an old farmhouse the Harrington Reclaimed Look 36-in. Wall Clock has an antiqued ivory finish with chestnut undertones to give it a weathered appearance. Gentle distressing around the outside edge adds to the antique look and makes this clock a perfect addition to any rustic or classic decor.About Uttermost:The mission of the Uttermost Company is simple: to make great home accessories at reasonable prices. This has been their objective since founding their family-owned business over 30 years ago. Uttermost manufactures mirrors art metal wall art lamps accessories clocks and lighting fixtures in its Rocky Mount Virginia factories. They provide quality furnishings throughout the world from their state-of-the-art distribution center located on the West Coast of the United States.

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