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Wig Pendant Lamp
Wig Pendant Lamp
Wig Pendant Lamp
Wig Pendant Lamp
Wig Pendant Lamp
Wig Pendant Lamp
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Design by Chris Hardy, 2011.
By FonatnaArte. Modern and functional, the Wig Pendant Lamp is comprised of many small pieces delicately working together, creating a larger intricate form. The composition creates the unique character of "Wig", adding life and personality to the object, as well as the context in which it is placed. Providing direct and ambient illumination, the diffuser is a composition of curved petals in white glossy varnished metal. Adjustable steel cable up to 78.7" with ceiling rose in the same color as the shade and lower diffuser disc in satin methacrylate.

Wig Pendant Lamp

    Design by Chris Hardy, 2011.
    By FonatnaArte. Modern and functional, the Wig Pendant Lamp is comprised of many small pieces delicately working together, creating a larger intricate form. The composition creates the unique character of "Wig", adding life and personality to the object, as well as the context in which it is placed. Providing direct and ambient illumination, the diffuser is a composition of curved petals in white glossy varnished metal. Adjustable steel cable up to 78.7" with ceiling rose in the same color as the shade and lower diffuser disc in satin methacrylate.

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    Design by Chris Hardy, 2011.
    By FonatnaArte. Modern and functional, the Wig Pendant Lamp is comprised of many small pieces delicately working together, creating a larger intricate form. The composition creates the unique character of "Wig", adding life and personality to the object, as well as the context in which it is placed. Providing direct and ambient illumination, the diffuser is a composition of curved petals in white glossy varnished metal. Adjustable steel cable up to 78.7" with ceiling rose in the same color as the shade and lower diffuser disc in satin methacrylate.

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