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Surround Light Chrome 5X Magnifying Vanity Mirror
Surround Light Chrome 5X Magnifying Vanity Mirror
Surround Light Chrome 5X Magnifying Vanity Mirror
Surround Light Chrome 5X Magnifying Vanity Mirror
Surround Light Chrome 5X Magnifying Vanity Mirror
Surround Light Chrome 5X Magnifying Vanity Mirror
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Telescoping up to 16" high, this 5x magnifying mirror features optical quality glass and a fluorescent light output that recreates the effects of natural sunlight. Complete your daily grooming regimen with ease with this lighted magnifying vanity mirror. The design features a telescoping pedestal, in a lush chrome finish, that adjusts up to 16" high. The mirror head pivots for optimal viewing, and the Surround Light technology amplifies the light across the entire optical-quality glass for even light dispersion and a shadow-free reflection. 5X magnification lets you see facial details up close while still being able to view your entire face in the mirror, and the fluorescent light output mimics that of natural sunlight for a softer, more refreshing glow.

Surround Light Chrome 5X Magnifying Vanity Mirror

    Telescoping up to 16" high, this 5x magnifying mirror features optical quality glass and a fluorescent light output that recreates the effects of natural sunlight. Complete your daily grooming regimen with ease with this lighted magnifying vanity mirror. The design features a telescoping pedestal, in a lush chrome finish, that adjusts up to 16" high. The mirror head pivots for optimal viewing, and the Surround Light technology amplifies the light across the entire optical-quality glass for even light dispersion and a shadow-free reflection. 5X magnification lets you see facial details up close while still being able to view your entire face in the mirror, and the fluorescent light output mimics that of natural sunlight for a softer, more refreshing glow.

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    Telescoping up to 16" high, this 5x magnifying mirror features optical quality glass and a fluorescent light output that recreates the effects of natural sunlight. Complete your daily grooming regimen with ease with this lighted magnifying vanity mirror. The design features a telescoping pedestal, in a lush chrome finish, that adjusts up to 16" high. The mirror head pivots for optimal viewing, and the Surround Light technology amplifies the light across the entire optical-quality glass for even light dispersion and a shadow-free reflection. 5X magnification lets you see facial details up close while still being able to view your entire face in the mirror, and the fluorescent light output mimics that of natural sunlight for a softer, more refreshing glow.

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