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"The Barrister'S Bedroom" Artwork
"The Barrister'S Bedroom" Artwork
"The Barrister'S Bedroom" Artwork
"The Barrister'S Bedroom" Artwork
"The Barrister'S Bedroom" Artwork
"The Barrister'S Bedroom" Artwork
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I made this photograph of an empty room from my own experience with home and family. The past is here through memory but sometimes I imagine what's going to happen, so the future is here too through imagination. When memory and imagination bring the past and the future together, they collide in a single instant, a Eureka moment richly laden with meaning more felt than understood. This photograph is such a moment. The dollhouse in the photograph is circa 1900s and measures three feet high by four feet wide. I used a variety of lenses, perspectives, lighting and digital techniques to create a sense that the rooms are real but at the same time disturbingly not real. I used lights ranging from strobes to pencil flashlights and had small mirrors made so I could photograph some of the rooms interior corners.. This is a UV flatbed print on 1/8 white dibond, sealed, with an inset frame on the back for a full-bleed mount. At this size, the image rewards you visually from thirty feet away, giving up more information as you make your approach. The overall effect is a lustrous image that seems to float in its space.

"The Barrister'S Bedroom" Artwork

    I made this photograph of an empty room from my own experience with home and family. The past is here through memory but sometimes I imagine what's going to happen, so the future is here too through imagination. When memory and imagination bring the past and the future together, they collide in a single instant, a Eureka moment richly laden with meaning more felt than understood. This photograph is such a moment. The dollhouse in the photograph is circa 1900s and measures three feet high by four feet wide. I used a variety of lenses, perspectives, lighting and digital techniques to create a sense that the rooms are real but at the same time disturbingly not real. I used lights ranging from strobes to pencil flashlights and had small mirrors made so I could photograph some of the rooms interior corners.. This is a UV flatbed print on 1/8 white dibond, sealed, with an inset frame on the back for a full-bleed mount. At this size, the image rewards you visually from thirty feet away, giving up more information as you make your approach. The overall effect is a lustrous image that seems to float in its space.

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    W 38" / D 1" / H 25"
    Photograph, Archival Ink Jet
    Eric L Hansen

    • Product Description
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    I made this photograph of an empty room from my own experience with home and family. The past is here through memory but sometimes I imagine what's going to happen, so the future is here too through imagination. When memory and imagination bring the past and the future together, they collide in a single instant, a Eureka moment richly laden with meaning more felt than understood. This photograph is such a moment. The dollhouse in the photograph is circa 1900s and measures three feet high by four feet wide. I used a variety of lenses, perspectives, lighting and digital techniques to create a sense that the rooms are real but at the same time disturbingly not real. I used lights ranging from strobes to pencil flashlights and had small mirrors made so I could photograph some of the rooms interior corners.. This is a UV flatbed print on 1/8 white dibond, sealed, with an inset frame on the back for a full-bleed mount. At this size, the image rewards you visually from thirty feet away, giving up more information as you make your approach. The overall effect is a lustrous image that seems to float in its space.

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