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I like to follow politics pretty closely and was riveted to the television set night and day during the Egyptian revolution. I became specifically interested in the young man behind the FACEBOOK social media campaign . His name is Weal Ghonim! During this dramatic period he became an international figure and energized pro-democracy demonstrations in Egypt after his emotional interview following 11 days of secret incarceration by Egyptian police—during which he was interrogated regarding his work as the administrator of the Facebook page, “We are all Khaled Saeed“, which helped spark the revolution.TheTIME magazine added him in its “Time 100” list of 100 most influential people of 2011.
I found him to be such a polarizing brave young figure, one that will go down in history for utilizing facebook to help change the world. I created a split face of Weal and our founding father Goerge Washington, painting Tutankhamun around them while incorporating the Egyptian flag . Facebook and Twitter icons can be seen at the bottom of the image. The piece is extremely pop culture and I believe a future conceptual masterwork of my collection.It was not only a incredible moment in time for the Egyptian, but for humanity!.
CNN report about Wael Ghonim and how he sparks the revolt
EGYPT RISING Oil On Canvas 48/36 in $3500


    I like to follow politics pretty closely and was riveted to the television set night and day during the Egyptian revolution. I became specifically interested in the young man behind the FACEBOOK social media campaign . His name is Weal Ghonim! During this dramatic period he became an international figure and energized pro-democracy demonstrations in Egypt after his emotional interview following 11 days of secret incarceration by Egyptian police—during which he was interrogated regarding his work as the administrator of the Facebook page, “We are all Khaled Saeed“, which helped spark the revolution.TheTIME magazine added him in its “Time 100” list of 100 most influential people of 2011.
    I found him to be such a polarizing brave young figure, one that will go down in history for utilizing facebook to help change the world. I created a split face of Weal and our founding father Goerge Washington, painting Tutankhamun around them while incorporating the Egyptian flag . Facebook and Twitter icons can be seen at the bottom of the image. The piece is extremely pop culture and I believe a future conceptual masterwork of my collection.It was not only a incredible moment in time for the Egyptian, but for humanity!.
    CNN report about Wael Ghonim and how he sparks the revolt
    EGYPT RISING Oil On Canvas 48/36 in $3500

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    I like to follow politics pretty closely and was riveted to the television set night and day during the Egyptian revolution. I became specifically interested in the young man behind the FACEBOOK social media campaign . His name is Weal Ghonim! During this dramatic period he became an international figure and energized pro-democracy demonstrations in Egypt after his emotional interview following 11 days of secret incarceration by Egyptian police—during which he was interrogated regarding his work as the administrator of the Facebook page, “We are all Khaled Saeed“, which helped spark the revolution.TheTIME magazine added him in its “Time 100” list of 100 most influential people of 2011.
    I found him to be such a polarizing brave young figure, one that will go down in history for utilizing facebook to help change the world. I created a split face of Weal and our founding father Goerge Washington, painting Tutankhamun around them while incorporating the Egyptian flag . Facebook and Twitter icons can be seen at the bottom of the image. The piece is extremely pop culture and I believe a future conceptual masterwork of my collection.It was not only a incredible moment in time for the Egyptian, but for humanity!.
    CNN report about Wael Ghonim and how he sparks the revolt
    EGYPT RISING Oil On Canvas 48/36 in $3500

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