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Howard Miller Paulina Wall Clock - 8.25 in. Wide - 625296
Howard Miller Paulina Wall Clock - 8.25 in. Wide - 625296
Howard Miller Paulina Wall Clock - 8.25 in. Wide - 625296
Howard Miller Paulina Wall Clock - 8.25 in. Wide - 625296
Howard Miller Paulina Wall Clock - 8.25 in. Wide - 625296
Howard Miller Paulina Wall Clock - 8.25 in. Wide - 625296
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Additional limited-time savings reflected in current price. Wrought iron leaves with charcoal gray and gold highlights . Antique gold pendulum bob . Charcoal gray finished bezel . Aged dial with black Roman numerals and spade hands. . Convex acrylic crystal protects the dial . Quartz battery operated movement. A wrought iron wall clock with the decorative leaves and a cast crown finished in charcoal gray with gold highlights. The pendulum bob is finished in antique gold suspended on a charcoal gray finished metal pendulum. A charcoal gray finished bezel surrounds the aged dial which features black Roman numerals and spade hands. Convex acrylic crystal protects the dial. Quartz battery-operated movement. (battery not included) About Howard MillerBeginning in the 1920's Howard Miller clocks have impressed all who see them with superior quality and design. Howard Miller wall floor and mantel clocks are crafted to last for generations and to perfectly accent your home.The company's founder Howard C. Miller began manufacturing wall and mantel clocks in Michigan. Evolving to encompass cabinet making and other furniture design - all renowned for quality and style - the Howard Miller company proudly stands behind its reputation as the World's Largest Clock Manufacturer.

Howard Miller Paulina Wall Clock - 8.25 in. Wide - 625296

    Additional limited-time savings reflected in current price. Wrought iron leaves with charcoal gray and gold highlights . Antique gold pendulum bob . Charcoal gray finished bezel . Aged dial with black Roman numerals and spade hands. . Convex acrylic crystal protects the dial . Quartz battery operated movement. A wrought iron wall clock with the decorative leaves and a cast crown finished in charcoal gray with gold highlights. The pendulum bob is finished in antique gold suspended on a charcoal gray finished metal pendulum. A charcoal gray finished bezel surrounds the aged dial which features black Roman numerals and spade hands. Convex acrylic crystal protects the dial. Quartz battery-operated movement. (battery not included) About Howard MillerBeginning in the 1920's Howard Miller clocks have impressed all who see them with superior quality and design. Howard Miller wall floor and mantel clocks are crafted to last for generations and to perfectly accent your home.The company's founder Howard C. Miller began manufacturing wall and mantel clocks in Michigan. Evolving to encompass cabinet making and other furniture design - all renowned for quality and style - the Howard Miller company proudly stands behind its reputation as the World's Largest Clock Manufacturer.

    Product ID
    Sold By
    W 1" / D 1" / H 1"
    Wall Clocks

    • Product Description
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    Additional limited-time savings reflected in current price. Wrought iron leaves with charcoal gray and gold highlights . Antique gold pendulum bob . Charcoal gray finished bezel . Aged dial with black Roman numerals and spade hands. . Convex acrylic crystal protects the dial . Quartz battery operated movement. A wrought iron wall clock with the decorative leaves and a cast crown finished in charcoal gray with gold highlights. The pendulum bob is finished in antique gold suspended on a charcoal gray finished metal pendulum. A charcoal gray finished bezel surrounds the aged dial which features black Roman numerals and spade hands. Convex acrylic crystal protects the dial. Quartz battery-operated movement. (battery not included) About Howard MillerBeginning in the 1920's Howard Miller clocks have impressed all who see them with superior quality and design. Howard Miller wall floor and mantel clocks are crafted to last for generations and to perfectly accent your home.The company's founder Howard C. Miller began manufacturing wall and mantel clocks in Michigan. Evolving to encompass cabinet making and other furniture design - all renowned for quality and style - the Howard Miller company proudly stands behind its reputation as the World's Largest Clock Manufacturer.

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