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Kichler Claridge Court 45986OZ Vanity - 14.5 in. - Olde Bronze
Kichler Claridge Court 45986OZ Vanity - 14.5 in. - Olde Bronze
Kichler Claridge Court 45986OZ Vanity - 14.5 in. - Olde Bronze
Kichler Claridge Court 45986OZ Vanity - 14.5 in. - Olde Bronze
Kichler Claridge Court 45986OZ Vanity - 14.5 in. - Olde Bronze
Kichler Claridge Court 45986OZ Vanity - 14.5 in. - Olde Bronze
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Kichler QualitySince 1938, Cleveland-based Kichler Lighting has been known for their innovative designs and excellent craftsmanship. Kichler is the world's leading decorative lighting fixture company and the winner of four ARTS Lighting Manufacturer of the Year awards. Kichler designers travel the world to discover the latest trends in exterior and interior style, colors, and designs. They then translate the best of those trends into fixtures that will bring beauty, pleasure, and light into your home. Kichler fixtures stand the test of time and are functional works of art that you're sure to treasure.

Kichler Claridge Court 45986OZ Vanity - 14.5 in. - Olde Bronze

    Kichler QualitySince 1938, Cleveland-based Kichler Lighting has been known for their innovative designs and excellent craftsmanship. Kichler is the world's leading decorative lighting fixture company and the winner of four ARTS Lighting Manufacturer of the Year awards. Kichler designers travel the world to discover the latest trends in exterior and interior style, colors, and designs. They then translate the best of those trends into fixtures that will bring beauty, pleasure, and light into your home. Kichler fixtures stand the test of time and are functional works of art that you're sure to treasure.

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    Kichler QualitySince 1938, Cleveland-based Kichler Lighting has been known for their innovative designs and excellent craftsmanship. Kichler is the world's leading decorative lighting fixture company and the winner of four ARTS Lighting Manufacturer of the Year awards. Kichler designers travel the world to discover the latest trends in exterior and interior style, colors, and designs. They then translate the best of those trends into fixtures that will bring beauty, pleasure, and light into your home. Kichler fixtures stand the test of time and are functional works of art that you're sure to treasure.

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