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Even the most inexperienced cooks need a hearty collection of bakeware. Our favorite meals would just not be possible without the right baking dishes and tools. One of the easiest ways to start a good collection is by purchasing a bakeware set, then once you've got the basics you can specialize — ramekins, bundt pans and batter dispensers galore! For those just starting to stock their bakeware, here are a few things to consider:

What basic bakeware should I buy?

Bakeware can come in two-piece sets or 12-piece sets, depending on your baking preferences and expertise. Regardless of size, every good set should include one or two cake pans and cookie pans, as well as a muffin pan, loaf pan and casserole dish. These pieces often come in ceramic, silicone, steel, glass and aluminum finishes, though other more obscure materials can always be found.

What specialty baking dishes do I need?

Do you frequently bake cakes, pies, breads and cookies? If so, then you'll need to go beyond the basics. Pie pans, cookie cutters and cupcake pans make desserts a breeze, while loaf pans and muffin pans are ideal for those breakfast treats. If you frequently make cakes, it's probably worth investing in multiple cake pans, cake decorating sets and batter dispensers.