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Decorative Trunks

294 Results
Along with being unique and possibly valuable collector’s items, antique trunks make a wonderful storage solution. A vintage steamer trunk can double as an ottoman, window seat, hope chest and much more, all with various items tucked away inside. Some creative interior decorators have even managed to convert this age-old mainstay into a steamer trunk coffee table or trunk bar. The old-fashioned character of storage trunks makes them perfect for collecting children’s toys into a “treasure chest” or “pirate’s chest” as well.

In the past, you’d often find a steamer trunk accompanying an adventurous soul as they traveled by carriage or ship. Though it’s no longer considered a practical luggage option, the storage trunk has weathered the ages well. Nowadays you’ll find both modern and vintage trunks in a variety of materials, most commonly wood, leather and different types of metal. More modern options include the wicker trunk, which makes a great indoor or outdoor piece.

Find a place for odds and ends, blankets and more or create a steamer trunk coffee table with one of the dozens of trunks for sale here on Houzz.