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Drawer and Shelf Liners

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Shelf paper and drawer liners are easy and colorful ways to protect your shelves and drawers from sticky spills, scratches and other trouble. Some designs also come with a gripping surface to help prevent your odds and ends from floating around inside your drawers or sliding off your shelves. While contact paper has traditionally had a functional use, the addition of fun, even realistic designs and patterns has opened up a huge range of home projects using shelf liner. If shelf paper is on your shopping list, here are a few ways you can put your leftovers to use around the house. Who knows, you may even be inspired to buy a few different rolls with various designs for more than one new project.

Make custom labels or message boards with chalkboard contact paper.

Or, for a more permanent solution, use any shelf liner design you absolutely adore. Cut your shelf liner into fun shapes like hearts, stars or beveled rectangles, write out your label, then attach them to jars, boxes, plastic bins — you name it. You can make this into an even bigger project by creating a custom message board or grocery list. The insides of pantry or cupboard doors are perfect spots to place some chalkboard shelf paper. Write out your shopping list or the week's menus and you're good to go for the week.

Update your existing furniture with shelf liner.

Are you tired of how your bookshelves or end tables look? Instead of tossing them out and spending money on new ones, grab some drawer liners and get to work. Drawer faces, the inside back walls of bookshelves and even tabletops make great surfaces to update. You can use realistic marble contact paper or wood grain contact paper, or you can create a shiny look by using gold, silver or even stainless steel contact paper. Carefully measure the areas of the furniture you'd like to cover, cut out your shelf paper and attach it. This easy solution will breathe some fresh air into your decor and save your wallet, too!

Use drawer liners to add visual interest to your stairway.

If you've seen the colorful creations some homeowners have added to the front vertical panels of their stair steps, then you've probably been itching to do the same thing in your own home. Shelf paper makes this easy and fun. Just grab a roll featuring a large, bright pattern, cut it to size and attach it to your steps. You've now created a stylish focal point out of one of the most functional parts of your home and we bet you didn't even break a sweat.

Grab some scissors or a cutting board and create a geometric mirror frame with shelf paper.

The gemstone-like facets of geometric shapes are definitely in style, so why not add some pizzazz and update an old floor or wall mirror with hexagons, triangles, circles or other shapes? All you need is your imagination and a way to cut out your shapes, then you can go to town decorating your mirrors. Try frosted contact paper for an elegant, almost ethereal look that can also be applied to your windows if you choose.

Get inspired with our curated ideas for Drawer & Shelf Liners and find the perfect item for every room in your home. With such a wide selection of Drawer & Shelf Liners for sale, from brands like SCENTENNIALS PRODUCTS INC,, Rev-A-Shelf, and Hardware Resources, you’re sure to find something that you’ll love. Shop from Drawer & Shelf Liners, like the the Rev-A-Shelf 4SDI-18 4SDI Series 16"W Spice Drawer Insert for Up - Natural Wood or the Romance Floral Adhesive Film, while discovering new home products and designs. Whether you’re looking to buy Drawer & Shelf Liners online or get inspiration for your home, you’ll find just what you’re looking for on Houzz.