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Flags and Flagpoles

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As they gracefully flap in the breeze, yard flags are a fun and colorful way to display a bit of personality in your home's exterior. Garden flags come in a variety of sizes, shapes and designs, so you can show the world how much you really love cats or share a warm seasonal greeting with passersby. These yard flags tend to be smaller in size than your typical country or state flag and have a smaller flagpole that can be inserted into the ground or attached to a porch railing.

If you’d like to add a patriotic vibe to your home, an American flag makes a bold statement with its red, white and blue coloring. Bunting is another way to show off pride for your country and can easily be attached to a porch or deck railing. If you do choose to fly a United States flag or show off a red, white and blue bunting, keep in mind there’s a certain flag etiquette that should be followed:
• Display: If you’re flying the United States flag on a single flagpole with any other flags, make sure it’s at the peak position. In a group of flagpoles, the Unites States flag should go to its own right and flags of other nations can be flown at the same height.
• Bunting: Proper display of bunting requires that blue be on top, followed by white and then red.
• Half-staff: You may notice that the flag is flown at half-staff on certain days to honor fallen heroes or special holidays. On Memorial Day, U.S. flags are flown at half-staff until noon, then raised back to the peak position.
• Do nots: To show proper respect for our country and its people, make sure you never let your American flag touch the ground, use it as clothing or as a cover, mark on it or tie it down to the flagpole. You should also never fly the flag upside down unless there is an emergency.