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Outdoor Holiday Decorations

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Outdoor seasonal decor adds a festive and fun holiday touch to your home’s exterior. Whether it’s a few small outdoor Christmas decorations for your porch or Halloween props that cover your home from roof to lawn, seasonal decor can transform your home’s look just in time for the holidays. While you’re shopping for some magical and maybe just a little zany outdoor Halloween decorations and Christmas yard decorations, here are a few things to keep in mind:

How can I dress up my home with outdoor Christmas decorations?

Whether you’re staying simple or going all-out, you’ll want to start your decorating blitz by thinking about how much effort you want to put into setting up — and tearing down. Don’t forget to consider how much space you have as well as any safety concerns. It’s often easiest to pick a theme or color scheme when decorating for the holidays to help narrow down your choices. Go for a country Christmas design with outdoor Christmas trees, reindeer and items with an antique appeal. If that isn’t your cup of tea, try a modern, kid-friendly style featuring Christmas inflatables like an inflatable Santa or inflatable snowman. The little ones will love it!

How can I do up my home with outdoor Halloween decorations?

Similar to your winter holiday decor, you’ll want to begin planning your Halloween scheme by considering how much effort you’d like to put into setting up and tearing down. Space and safety are also concerns, and you may also want to consider your “scare” level if you have younger children living nearby or with you. Again, it helps to start with a theme. Halloween props come in every design under the sun, so if it’s Dr. Frankenstein’s lab or a haunted graveyard you want to create, you’re sure to find decor that adds to the ambience. Halloween inflatables are also available and may be more appropriate if you expect a lot of young trick-or-treaters visiting your house — or if you have a little trick-or-treater of your own.

Are outdoor Halloween decorations and Christmas yard decorations weatherproof?

Most holiday outdoor decorations are weatherproof, but double check to ensure that they will hold up in your specific climate. If you spend the holidays in a sunny climate, it’s possible the sun will begin to show its mark on certain decorations that may otherwise maintain their look under overcast skies. On the other hand, wet, rainy or snowy climates may cause certain objects to deteriorate that might otherwise be fine in dry areas.

Are there any safety precautions I should take when installing my Halloween props and Christmas yard decorations?

Be sure to make safety a priority, especially when dealing with oversized decor. Make sure larger items are securely planted and lack sharp parts and heavy pieces that may fall. If yours plug in, be sure to never overload electrical outlets or extension cords and avoid running electrical cords along high-traffic areas.