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Ironing Board Covers

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Choosing the right ironing board cover not only personalizes an otherwise utilitarian home decor accessory, but can also improve the quality and efforts of your ironing. Often chosen as an afterthought, consider your ironing board cover as an additional design decision that will help get your collars crisper and your pleats more defined.

When considering a new ironing board cover, take some time to consider the available options and differences:

Is foam or felt padding better?

The highest quality ironing board covers should come with a form of padding. Felt has been known to hold up longer than foam and provides a smoother surface. On the other hand, foam padding creates an easier surface for your iron to glide on.

Should I go with an elastic or drawstring fastening?

The elastic, or bungee style ironing board covers are more commonly sold and can easily attach to the ironing board. This style is more difficult to maneuver with if there are additional attachments on the ironing board, but can easily be worked around. Drawstring covers work well because you can personalize and adjust the size to perfectly fit your ironing board.

What ironing board cover material is best?

Cotton is the most common material used for ironing board covers. The most decorative and graphic ironing board covers tend to be the thinnest and of the lowest quality material, and can be distracting if you are trying to iron or sew a precise area. They can improve the aesthetic and look of a room the most too, so if your ironing board will be visible most of the time, then consider a vibrant patterned cover. Natural unbleached cotton is a cotton variety that is heavier and will keep your clothes in place better. Non-stick and reflective ironing board covers protect your clothes best as well as maintain their appearance the longest. The clothes heat up quicker and therefore don’t need to be ironed for as long or on as hot of a setting. It’s common to use these covers in addition to the printed or natural cotton for added protection and decorative accent.

Although ironing boards and their covers usually come in standardized sizes, make sure to measure yours before making a purchase.