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Knife Sharpeners

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Knives become virtually useless if they aren’t sharp. Having (and using) a good kitchen knife sharpener will not only prolong the life of your cutlery — it will make them safer to use as well. When cutlery gets dull, it’s more likely to slip off the surface of the food, which can be a recipe for disaster. Knife sharpeners can be manual, like a familiar sharpening steel, or a bit more high tech and precise, like an electric knife sharpener.

How do knife sharpeners work?

When kitchen cutlery gets “dull”, it means that the edges of the blade have folded over on itself. A knife sharpener works by unfolding and reshaping the blade’s edge. To be effective, a sharpening steel must be used often, meaning every 10-50 cuts — otherwise the edge folds too much for the steel to work. An electric, more professional knife sharpener will have adjustable guides for achieving more precise angles; it uses 100 percent diamond abrasives powerful enough to unfold and remove old edge pieces. Models for home use are safe and just as adequate as taking your knives to a professional.

What is the best knife sharpener for serrated knives?

There is a common myth that serrated cutlery can’t be sharpened. That myth is false — serrated knives do get dull, bent and misaligned. Luckily, there are both manual and electric knife sharpeners that will save you from taking a trip to a professional. Look for a kitchen knife sharpener that has built-in precision angle guides and diamond abrasives. These features will help sharpen each individual tooth and realign them to restore the knives functionality.