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Cutting Boards

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A cutting board is one of those kitchen accessories that always comes in handy. Whether you need a workspace for slicing, dicing or zesting, a chopping block ensures that the job is done without ruining your countertop. Even though most cutting boards are used for cutting, there are several specialty products — butcher blocks, bread boards, cheese boards and prep boards — that serve more than one function.

As you determine what you want in your kitchen collection, here's what you should consider:

What kind of chopping blocks do I need?

Although most people have a traditional cutting board, there are other options available for those looking to broaden their horizons. Butcher blocks and chopping blocks are very thick chunks of wood that can be used as stand-alone surfaces, handy kitchen islands or even unique countertops. Prep boards are used less for cutting and more for preparing foods; they can act as clean sandwich-making surfaces or even serving boards for carrying meat to the grill. Bread boards and cheese boards are ideal for entertaining, since they can withstand knife marks but are nice enough to leave on the table during a dinner party.

How many cutting boards should I buy?

Every kitchen needs at least one, but most households opt for two or more to help prepare a more intricate meal. To avoid cross contamination, some people might have a color-coordinated cutting board set that includes a separate surface for raw meat, seafood, veggies and cooked food. Having a set, color-coded or not, allows you to cook without having to constantly wash up as you go. Because of this, most people purchase several variations.

What cutting board materials are available?

Cutting boards need to withstand constant knife nicks and cuts, which is why materials are somewhat limited. The most popular option is bamboo or wood. These pieces wear well and add nice texture and warmth if left out on the countertop. They are also fairly affordable and readily available in any department store. Glass is another popular option; most glass units have a nice decorative image on top and are clearly durable, though they are oftentimes seen as the more traditional alternative to wood. Plastic is also becoming a popular alternative. These products are very affordable and often flexible, which is ideal for small kitchens that don't have much counter or cabinet space.