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Outdoor Lounge Chairs

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As the weather warms up, we all get that itch to move outdoors and enjoy the light blanket of sunshine that spring and summer bring. The best way to relax in that newfound warmth is with outdoor lounge chairs, of course. Patio chairs come in a wide range of comfortable, welcoming shapes and sizes, not to mention a myriad of styles from modern to traditional. Outdoor lounge chairs are perfect for drinking in the sunlight when you’re done splashing around in the pool or simply catching some rays. The beauty of outdoor chairs is that they offer comfort, both literally and figuratively. Pick your new outdoor lounge chairs based on what level of relaxation you want to reach and which ones will entice you out into the fresh air most often.

No matter its materials, your outdoor lounge chair should be water and weatherproof. Be sure to clean patio chairs off before you put them away into storage for the winter, and again when you bring them out for the spring. These regular cleanings will help increase the lifespan of your outdoor chairs so you can enjoy a comfortable seat for years to come. Find the perfect set of comfortable lounge chairs right here on Houzz, then invite your friends and family outside for a relaxing, sunny day.