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Dog Toys

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Your dogs love you unconditionally, so it’s only fair that you return the favor by giving them the best dog toys you can find. From soft and plush to indestructible dog toys, the spectrum of options is wide, and you’ll probably find your furry pal isn’t too picky. However, while pooches may be easy-to-please, the toys they interact with play a bigger role than you might think — that cotton stuffing strewn throughout the house isn’t just because they want to see you do some extra cleaning. They need toys that stimulate their minds and cater to their natural canine tendencies, otherwise they’ll find it elsewhere, like the kitchen trash or your new couch cushions. Read on for a few tips on selecting the dog toy your companion will benefit from most.

What pet toys should I get for my dog?

Dogs are typically happy-go-lucky pets. They always greet you at the door, know exactly what W-A-L-K spells and are always up for a game of fetch. That being said, they need a variety of pet toys to keep them from getting bored and into trouble. Try to pick out a well rounded selection to appeal to all of their traits, including chewing, cuddling and eating. Puppy toys and dog chew toys, for example, are made to hold up against the strength of sharp teeth and powerful jaws; a definite must for sparing your shoes and furniture! For the times your pup is feeling a bit more cuddly, something soft and plush to snuggle with should do the trick. For play and food time, interactive dog toys are a must. Look for dog puzzle toys, like treat balls, that play to their hunting and scavenging instincts and make them work for their food. If you’re lucky, these will keep Fido thoroughly amused until his next big walk (but don’t let him in on your secret!). Additionally, dog balls and frisbees can be a fun way to get yourself involved in his playtime.

What’s the deal with indestructible dog toys?

Some canines are more prone to tearing apart or chewing up their playthings than others. If you find this to be the case with your pet, super tough dog toys are the way to go. Often they will be made of ultra durable rubber that can withstand hours of gnawing and slobbering without breaking down, so you don’t have to worry about loose parts being swallowed or any messy cleanup. Other options include softer toys that are constructed of heavy duty fabrics and strong stitching to keep the stuffing where it belongs. You can also go for the stuffing-free options, which are just unstuffed versions of their favorites, so they have nothing to rip apart but still have fun pals to gnaw on and parade around. Of course these options are only indestructible in an ideal world, so as with all new toys, keep an eye on your pet while playing to ensure their safety.