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Sheet Sets

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The easiest way to ensure you have coordinated bedding is to invest in a complete sheet set. The set should include a flat sheet, fitted sheet and a pillowcase or two. Sheet sets are one of the most important elements of the your bedding by far, since they make direct contact with your skin every night. If you’re in the market to update you sleep style, check out the following tips on how to pick the best bed sheet set:

Should I get a patterned or solid bed sheet set?

Take a look at your other bedding elements and the overall decor in the space to help you decide. You can add a pop of color with a solid color sheet set that plays off another accent in the room, or try a patterned sheet set that peaks through for a hint of interest. If you have a patterned duvet or comforter, try a solid color that won’t clash, and likewise if you have a solid duvet try a patterned set that complements the solid color. In general, if you have loud accents in the space, such as busy wallpaper, try to balance it out with a basic bed sheet set.

How many bed sheet sets should I have?

It’s always a good idea to have at least two sets of sheets per bed, that way you can throw on a clean set while you wash the other. You may also want to have separate sheet sets for different seasons, like a light cotton set for warm summer nights and a heavier flannel set for chilly winter nights. If you like to switch up the style of your bedding often, having multiple sheet sets that all have unique colors or patterns will make the swap easy and ensure you always have something to suit your desired style.