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Laundry room - traditional laundry room idea in Burlington with a side-by-side washer/dryer, brown countertops and beige walls
Smith & Vansant Architects PC
Smith & Vansant Architects PC
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars13 ReviewsView Profile

Stunning laundry room, mud room & dog shower

Traditional Laundry Room, Burlington

Moving the washer/dryer out of the kitchen into their own space was not a difficult decision. Meeting all of the programmatic requirements of this new room was a little trickier. Designing enough room to be able to wash the dogs and water houseplants, as well as folding laundry in a small space was solved by providing a removable countertop. When the counter is needed, the two pieces easily slide in place and they are pulled out of the way when the water is needed. When the dogs get a shower, the handspray works best, but for the plants the swing-arm potfiller serves optimally. The client had been saving these 19th century English transferware tiles for just such a project. The mahogany countertop, antique drying rack, windows and built-ins, and exquisite tile work make this a stunning room to do your laundry. Renovation/Addition. Rob Karosis Photography

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Becky Harris added this to 15 Doggone-Good Tips for a Pet Washing StationNovember 6, 2013

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