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Wind Chimes - Do earbuds work to cancel their high-pitched chimes?

24 days ago

I have tinnitus and cannot stand hearing wind chimes, especialy high pitched ones, as they make the ringing in my ears worse and actually aggravate the heck out of me when I'm outdoors working in my garden beds - just want to hear the birds and the wind through the trees. Would anyone happen to know if ear buds really work to cancel that dreaded noise out? Also, would there possibly be any outdoor speakers that can do the same if they were put on a deck or patio? Plan on moving, but in the meantime, gardening season has begun, need to get outside and do some gardening! Thank you.

Comments (14)

  • beesneeds
    23 days ago

    I'm pretty sure if your earbuds work to cancel the chimes, it will also cancel the nature sounds. Or at least when I have worn them if it's enough to cancel one, it's likely to cancel the other. Same goes for speakers- if it's loud enough to drown out the chimes, it's probably also going to cancel the nature sounds. Though if you play nature sounds through your earbuds or speakers, it could replace the nature sounds around you.

  • luvprimrose
    Original Author
    23 days ago

    Thank you prairiemoon2 z6b MA and beesneeds for your replies. Probably will get earbuds and put in the bird/nature sounds instead of music, unless there is a new techno earbud that can match the frequency and cancel out the specific sound (but that could be pricey). If I could speak to the neighbor I would, but he is not the type that would be willling to move the wind chime (which is more in the center of his backyard than at the property line), unfortunately he would most likely put more up. At least there is a solution, although, it's me that will have to pay money for someone else's action that disrupts my peace from being in my own land/gardens. Ugh.

  • Connecticut Yankeeeee
    22 days ago

    I am very house sensitive. I tried Flare earplugs once. Just earplugs - nothing that needs a charge. They’re not noise canceling but filter out some frequencies. You can hear and talk normally. I believe they’re a German company but you can get them on Amazon for as low as $25. I used them for a while til I lost them 🙁. I don’t know how much they’d filter out for you, but they’re worth a try. The company promotes them as Calming earplugs.

  • Connecticut Yankeeeee
    22 days ago

    *noise sensitive *

  • prairiemoon2 z6b MA
    22 days ago

    Luvprimrose, sorry you have a neighbor that is not easy to get along with. I guess a way to make yourself feel better, is to think about it from the point of view, of how much worse your neighbor could be. [g] We've all heard some pretty crazy stories about bad neighbors. Hopefully using wind chimes is the worst problem he makes for you. 😀

    And who knows, maybe you'll really enjoy the earbuds and use them for a lot of things. Good luck!

  • luvprimrose
    Original Author
    22 days ago

    Thank you Connecticut Yankeeeee and prariemoon2 z6b MA. I will look for the German Company earplugs, Noise Sensitve or Calming. Just need to be able to relax and enjoy my gardening. Happy Gardening!

  • swrite
    22 days ago

    Am very sensitive to noise, suffer with hyperacusis & misophonia, so I HATE wind chimes (along with tons of other noises) and know what you’re talking about. I have to wear earplugs just to function in the normal world and my favorite so far have been Earasers. They have different decibel levels to choose from and it helps to reduce some of the problematic frequencies while still letting you have a conversation, etc. You can also call them with questions and they’re helpful in assisting.

  • luvprimrose
    Original Author
    22 days ago

    Thank you swrite! I will defintely check out Earasers, knowing that these can work on different decibel levels is so important! Can't wait to have some peace doing something I love outdoors. 😊🌷 P.S. I can relate, wind chimes are not the only noises that are bothersome, dog barking, loud mufflers, engines, etc. also are highly annoying to my ears.

  • Connecticut Yankeeeee
    22 days ago

    Here’s a screenshot from Amazon.

  • luvprimrose
    Original Author
    22 days ago

    Thank you Connecticut Yankee! Wonderful people on this link. Thanks so much to everyone!😊

  • luvprimrose
    Original Author
    22 days ago

    Sorry, mis-spelled your name, Connecticut Yankeeeee.

  • prairiemoon2 z6b MA
    22 days ago

    Wow, that sounds like just what you need. Hope they work out!

  • Connecticut Yankeeeee
    21 days ago

    No worries luvprimrose 😊.