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Saturday On The Hills Original By Michael Ilkiw
Saturday On The Hills Original By Michael Ilkiw
Saturday On The Hills Original By Michael Ilkiw
Saturday On The Hills Original By Michael Ilkiw
Saturday On The Hills Original By Michael Ilkiw
Saturday On The Hills Original By Michael Ilkiw
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About the artist:

Painting is a medium where I attempt to solve and create visual riddles. My paintings deal with optical illusions and patterns, which I find aesthetically pleasing and therapeutic. While painting, I allow part of my brain to shut offwhile another can take over and let my mindcan rest, relieving anxieties. I hope to have my paintings hanging on a wall opposite someone's favorite seat in their favorite room, ideally relieving their own anxieties.
My paintings are doodles that have evolved into more comprehensive and visually deep landscapes. My work features a grid-like design that I've developed within the last year. There's an idiom that states, Can't see the forest for the trees,which conveys you're paying too much attention to the details and not realizing the big picture. From far away, the colors all combine and form some kind of hodge podge of blocks. However, up close you can differentiate the buildings separately, and see the city for the buildings, so to speak.

Saturday On The Hills Original By Michael Ilkiw

    About the artist:

    Painting is a medium where I attempt to solve and create visual riddles. My paintings deal with optical illusions and patterns, which I find aesthetically pleasing and therapeutic. While painting, I allow part of my brain to shut offwhile another can take over and let my mindcan rest, relieving anxieties. I hope to have my paintings hanging on a wall opposite someone's favorite seat in their favorite room, ideally relieving their own anxieties.
    My paintings are doodles that have evolved into more comprehensive and visually deep landscapes. My work features a grid-like design that I've developed within the last year. There's an idiom that states, Can't see the forest for the trees,which conveys you're paying too much attention to the details and not realizing the big picture. From far away, the colors all combine and form some kind of hodge podge of blocks. However, up close you can differentiate the buildings separately, and see the city for the buildings, so to speak.

    Product ID
    Sold By
    W 20" / D 1" / H 20"
    Michael Ilkiw

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    About the artist:

    Painting is a medium where I attempt to solve and create visual riddles. My paintings deal with optical illusions and patterns, which I find aesthetically pleasing and therapeutic. While painting, I allow part of my brain to shut offwhile another can take over and let my mindcan rest, relieving anxieties. I hope to have my paintings hanging on a wall opposite someone's favorite seat in their favorite room, ideally relieving their own anxieties.
    My paintings are doodles that have evolved into more comprehensive and visually deep landscapes. My work features a grid-like design that I've developed within the last year. There's an idiom that states, Can't see the forest for the trees,which conveys you're paying too much attention to the details and not realizing the big picture. From far away, the colors all combine and form some kind of hodge podge of blocks. However, up close you can differentiate the buildings separately, and see the city for the buildings, so to speak.

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