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Designer Floating Hutch - Ebony
Designer Floating Hutch - Ebony
Designer Floating Hutch - Ebony
Designer Floating Hutch - Ebony
Designer Floating Hutch - Ebony
Designer Floating Hutch - Ebony
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The Designer Floating Hutch is the perfect companion for Prepac's Designer Floating Desk or as a stand-alone storage solution. Perfectly suited for any home office, den, living room, kitchen or bedroom, this hutch provides functional storage without sacrificing valuable floor space. The two middle compartments have doors with solid metal chrome handles that keep items tastefully concealed while side compartments provide additional storage. Installation is a breeze with Prepac's hanging rail system. Proudly manufactured in North America using CARB-compliant, laminated composite wood. Ships Ready to Assemble, includes an instruction booklet for easy assembly and has a 5-year manufacturer's limited warranty.; Mount at any height with Prepac's metal hanging rail system; Two center doors with solid metal chrome handles; Two open side compartments provide additional storage; NEW Washed Ebony Finish; Proudly manufactured in North America ; Constructed from CARB-compliant, laminated composite woods; Weight Capacity: Maximum 60 lbs; Dimensions: 12"L x 42.5"W x 13"H

Designer Floating Hutch - Ebony

    The Designer Floating Hutch is the perfect companion for Prepac's Designer Floating Desk or as a stand-alone storage solution. Perfectly suited for any home office, den, living room, kitchen or bedroom, this hutch provides functional storage without sacrificing valuable floor space. The two middle compartments have doors with solid metal chrome handles that keep items tastefully concealed while side compartments provide additional storage. Installation is a breeze with Prepac's hanging rail system. Proudly manufactured in North America using CARB-compliant, laminated composite wood. Ships Ready to Assemble, includes an instruction booklet for easy assembly and has a 5-year manufacturer's limited warranty.; Mount at any height with Prepac's metal hanging rail system; Two center doors with solid metal chrome handles; Two open side compartments provide additional storage; NEW Washed Ebony Finish; Proudly manufactured in North America ; Constructed from CARB-compliant, laminated composite woods; Weight Capacity: Maximum 60 lbs; Dimensions: 12"L x 42.5"W x 13"H

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    • Product Description
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    The Designer Floating Hutch is the perfect companion for Prepac's Designer Floating Desk or as a stand-alone storage solution. Perfectly suited for any home office, den, living room, kitchen or bedroom, this hutch provides functional storage without sacrificing valuable floor space. The two middle compartments have doors with solid metal chrome handles that keep items tastefully concealed while side compartments provide additional storage. Installation is a breeze with Prepac's hanging rail system. Proudly manufactured in North America using CARB-compliant, laminated composite wood. Ships Ready to Assemble, includes an instruction booklet for easy assembly and has a 5-year manufacturer's limited warranty.; Mount at any height with Prepac's metal hanging rail system; Two center doors with solid metal chrome handles; Two open side compartments provide additional storage; NEW Washed Ebony Finish; Proudly manufactured in North America ; Constructed from CARB-compliant, laminated composite woods; Weight Capacity: Maximum 60 lbs; Dimensions: 12"L x 42.5"W x 13"H

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