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Yellow, Red and Blue, c.1925 by Wassily Kandinsky
Yellow, Red and Blue, c.1925 by Wassily Kandinsky
Yellow, Red and Blue, c.1925 by Wassily Kandinsky
Yellow, Red and Blue, c.1925 by Wassily Kandinsky
Yellow, Red and Blue, c.1925 by Wassily Kandinsky
Yellow, Red and Blue, c.1925 by Wassily Kandinsky
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Yellow, Red and Blue, c.1925 by Wassily Kandinsky is a Framed Art Print set with a GRAMERCY wood frame and a Crisp - Bright White mat.
Wassily Kandinsky (1886 - 1944) is considered to be the originator of abstract art, and believed that art could visually express musical compositions. Kandinsky, who was also an accomplished musician, saw color when he heard music, and associated a color's tone with musical timbre, hue with pitch, and saturation with the volume of sound. Music influenced his art to such a degree that Kandinsky named his works after musical terms. Originally a lawyer in his native Russia, he was inspired to study art at age 30, after seeing Monet's Haystacks. Kandinsky was gripped by a compulsion to relentlessly create, and believed that if this drive were pure, it would evoke a correspondingly powerful response in viewers of his work.
High-quality printing gives this fine art print its vivid and sharp appearance. Produced on medium weight cover stock, this art reproduction is coated with a silken finish that protects the inks and creates an elegant look. An acrylic coating protects the stunning print from dust, moisture and fading. Handcrafted in the USA. Mounting hardware is included.

Yellow, Red and Blue, c.1925 by Wassily Kandinsky
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    • Product Description
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    Yellow, Red and Blue, c.1925 by Wassily Kandinsky is a Framed Art Print set with a GRAMERCY wood frame and a Crisp - Bright White mat.
    Wassily Kandinsky (1886 - 1944) is considered to be the originator of abstract art, and believed that art could visually express musical compositions. Kandinsky, who was also an accomplished musician, saw color when he heard music, and associated a color's tone with musical timbre, hue with pitch, and saturation with the volume of sound. Music influenced his art to such a degree that Kandinsky named his works after musical terms. Originally a lawyer in his native Russia, he was inspired to study art at age 30, after seeing Monet's Haystacks. Kandinsky was gripped by a compulsion to relentlessly create, and believed that if this drive were pure, it would evoke a correspondingly powerful response in viewers of his work.
    High-quality printing gives this fine art print its vivid and sharp appearance. Produced on medium weight cover stock, this art reproduction is coated with a silken finish that protects the inks and creates an elegant look. An acrylic coating protects the stunning print from dust, moisture and fading. Handcrafted in the USA. Mounting hardware is included.

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