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My hand made, hand collected, genuine sea glass chandeliers are the original all (genuine) sea glass chandeliers. I collect my glass from my travels all over the world and hand wrap each piece individually before designing it into the chandeliers. Because these light sculptures are so labor intensive and require a lot of time combing beaches for the genuine sea glass, each one can take 4-6 months to produce (less if I have a good stock of sea glass on hand.)
Email me for questions about a current wait list status or design ideas. I'm always open to creating these unique fixtures in any size and (reasonable) shape to suit your space!
Price listed is for the chandelier pictured (which is sold) just to give you an idea of size & price. For a custom quote for your own chandelier feel free to email me with any and all questions!
I am currently in production of a new chandelier that is a modern cube shape that will be available for purchase. Photos to come.


    My hand made, hand collected, genuine sea glass chandeliers are the original all (genuine) sea glass chandeliers. I collect my glass from my travels all over the world and hand wrap each piece individually before designing it into the chandeliers. Because these light sculptures are so labor intensive and require a lot of time combing beaches for the genuine sea glass, each one can take 4-6 months to produce (less if I have a good stock of sea glass on hand.)
    Email me for questions about a current wait list status or design ideas. I'm always open to creating these unique fixtures in any size and (reasonable) shape to suit your space!
    Price listed is for the chandelier pictured (which is sold) just to give you an idea of size & price. For a custom quote for your own chandelier feel free to email me with any and all questions!
    I am currently in production of a new chandelier that is a modern cube shape that will be available for purchase. Photos to come.

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    • Product Description
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    My hand made, hand collected, genuine sea glass chandeliers are the original all (genuine) sea glass chandeliers. I collect my glass from my travels all over the world and hand wrap each piece individually before designing it into the chandeliers. Because these light sculptures are so labor intensive and require a lot of time combing beaches for the genuine sea glass, each one can take 4-6 months to produce (less if I have a good stock of sea glass on hand.)
    Email me for questions about a current wait list status or design ideas. I'm always open to creating these unique fixtures in any size and (reasonable) shape to suit your space!
    Price listed is for the chandelier pictured (which is sold) just to give you an idea of size & price. For a custom quote for your own chandelier feel free to email me with any and all questions!
    I am currently in production of a new chandelier that is a modern cube shape that will be available for purchase. Photos to come.

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