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Rosa Venetian Wall Mirror - 21W x 30H in.
Rosa Venetian Wall Mirror - 21W x 30H in.
Rosa Venetian Wall Mirror - 21W x 30H in.
Rosa Venetian Wall Mirror - 21W x 30H in.
Rosa Venetian Wall Mirror - 21W x 30H in.
Rosa Venetian Wall Mirror - 21W x 30H in.
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Our newly made Venetian mirrors are more readily available easier on the budget and have the original charm and beauty of 16th and 17th century styles. Our Venetian mirror uses old techniques copied from Venice Italy. The mirror is hand etched cut beveled and polished. Each hand-cut mirror piece is assembled separately and attached to the wood backing with a tiny screw and rosette cover making the mirror unique in that each piece can be replaced if necessary. The mirror also comes with a hanger for easy wall hanging.

Rosa Venetian Wall Mirror - 21W x 30H in.

    Our newly made Venetian mirrors are more readily available easier on the budget and have the original charm and beauty of 16th and 17th century styles. Our Venetian mirror uses old techniques copied from Venice Italy. The mirror is hand etched cut beveled and polished. Each hand-cut mirror piece is assembled separately and attached to the wood backing with a tiny screw and rosette cover making the mirror unique in that each piece can be replaced if necessary. The mirror also comes with a hanger for easy wall hanging.

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    Our newly made Venetian mirrors are more readily available easier on the budget and have the original charm and beauty of 16th and 17th century styles. Our Venetian mirror uses old techniques copied from Venice Italy. The mirror is hand etched cut beveled and polished. Each hand-cut mirror piece is assembled separately and attached to the wood backing with a tiny screw and rosette cover making the mirror unique in that each piece can be replaced if necessary. The mirror also comes with a hanger for easy wall hanging.

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