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"5Th Ave & 53Rd" Artwork
"5Th Ave & 53Rd" Artwork
"5Th Ave & 53Rd" Artwork
"5Th Ave & 53Rd" Artwork
"5Th Ave & 53Rd" Artwork
"5Th Ave & 53Rd" Artwork
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Gotham Ongoing is a series of images from the streets of "The city that never sleeps", New York, NY. The series is represented by iconic buildings, famous landmarks and everyday scenes that don't always make the tourist guides. This image belongs to a limited edition (series of 100), is numbered and signed and is printed on archival-based paper. There is an approximately 1in. white border around the image to allow for signing and numbering.

"5Th Ave & 53Rd" Artwork

    Gotham Ongoing is a series of images from the streets of "The city that never sleeps", New York, NY. The series is represented by iconic buildings, famous landmarks and everyday scenes that don't always make the tourist guides. This image belongs to a limited edition (series of 100), is numbered and signed and is printed on archival-based paper. There is an approximately 1in. white border around the image to allow for signing and numbering.

    Product ID
    Sold By
    W 11" / H 14"
    Jacquelyn Sloane Siklos

    • Product Description
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    Gotham Ongoing is a series of images from the streets of "The city that never sleeps", New York, NY. The series is represented by iconic buildings, famous landmarks and everyday scenes that don't always make the tourist guides. This image belongs to a limited edition (series of 100), is numbered and signed and is printed on archival-based paper. There is an approximately 1in. white border around the image to allow for signing and numbering.

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